Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 185, 10 August 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]


Saturd»y, C;4o a.m. Australift ofl' Waimanalo. Tho Scheutzen club raeet for busiuoss this evening. The Strnngers’ Friend Society xuet this morning and transactod the ueual routiuo business. The goncral eool and pleasant Nuuanu avenuo is now dustr and disagxooable to pedostrians. __Tho bicycle meot for races ut the Purk toraorrow will start 8ometirac iu tho afternoon. No band eoncort at Enima Square toinorrow afternoon; Berger jilays at tho bicycle moet to raorrow. rooj>le in town aro becoming tired of the baud conoerts: too mueh samenoss in the jm>grammes. Iraraigrunts to Ilawaii mnst have $50 in cash or be undor two yoars contract as au agricultnral laborer. Aulhentic reports plaee the total registry of votors to date as less that 600 in numbor. The oath is a bitter pill. Tho now Markot shed, on the Esj>lanade, is now utilizod as a ahield from the sun by Philadelphia troops when drilling. Tho ‘’|>ersonvIly condncted” VoIcano party rotnrn by tbe Kinau tomorrow raorniug. A proposed torchlight prooession and band serenade have been jx>stponed. The Tiser has a “flying Dutchman,” with two army desertere on board, somewlere between Dimond Head and Kunai. The Houolulu Amateur Atblelie club membere wiil meet this •vening. in sj>ecial session, at their head-quartere. The band will give a moonlight ooncert this evea!ug at Thomas’ Sqnare; by refereuce to the programme it w.ll be noticed that two of the pieoea played last evening at Emm* Square, will be repeated (onight

The Californii Frnit market calls aUenlion to tbe great rarietv of fratts wfaicb will arrire faere j on tbe Acstrali« toaiorrow. Mr. Jobn '’apoon fatber of J Alfred Mnpoon £«q., took passape bv the Irmgard to the Coast, on a voyage for hesltb and rest. H B. M. S. Champion w«s risited yes(enlay by Amenean j Consal General Mills an l Portapae.se Consal General Canavarro. The official recognition was piven on leaving. Ir Yolr Hue-k r r D o . is .siek send (hem at on -e to 205 Kinp Street. Tfae only Veter- j inary Infirmary in the Repnblic fally eqaippe<I with modern appli»rces and skillfa!l a(tendants. augl-lm Colonel V. V. Asbford did not go to Maai today, the AttorneyGeneral having refused to prosecuto E. H. Bailey, ' who was charged \ritb erabezzlement l»y J. Gracia for whom the eolonel is attorney. And now oomes a wail from tbe liqaor dealers with regard to tho laek of water. They elaim to be osing lots of money by the scar- . city of tbis purely prohibition beverage. Queer! ————— j The meeting of members of the Healani boat clnb called for last eveuiug has heen continued until noxt \Vednestlay evening. the 15th inst. when un eleeliou of officers for the olub will take plaeo. J. J. Egau having disposed of the pole to the Leaguo has now disposed of the btg Americau tlag to tbe same organiaation. i for a cash consideration. \Vhat I does the cosmopolite League 1 \vant of au American flag. Yesterday afternoon a broken , brake on a Nuuanu valley car caused the driver to lose control of tho outfit aud it started down i grade at a very rapid rate until i reaching the switch - off near i School street when it jumped the track and capsized into tbe ditch ; corner of Nuuanu and Scbool street. Tho driver usod good j judgment bnt there being no passenger in the car and as he could 1 not leave his mules, tbe back break was not put on so the car speeded until ditched. One of the mules was badly injured but tbe driver escaped unhurt.