Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 185, 10 August 1894 — The Bicycle Meet. [ARTICLE]

The Bicycle Meet.

Tfae rsces tomorrow «fternoon »t the Kapio’ani P?rk promise to be a gre» sacc s» Aboat 18 riders will be iu tbe field in tfae diffep-ot nces. and the reāalts will be watcbed with great interest lt is nct alone a test be tween tfae riders, bnt also a meeting to dacide wbat kind of bicycle is tfae l>est. The boys bave Leen in tnining for sevenl weeka and all are in good trim. H. E. Walker’s bicvcle met with a ml sligbt &cc:dent Iast night but will be in order before tomorrow. Angas who rode it bad such a apeed on that the froct wheel tore away. and ran towards Ho nolulu while the rider cbased after it on tbe bind wheel. They will be brongbt together again today- Yonng Nakayama goes like streak ligbtning and the inviu- ; cible Giies ean bardly be timed. It will well pay to go to the Park and witness tue meeting. Tbe baud wiil be iu attendar.ee, and tbe prices of admission are within tbe reach of all.