Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 185, 10 August 1894 — HAWAII’S “BLUE” LAWS [ARTICLE]


COXSTITUTION and LAWS Fraiued bv tho Missionaries. LAWS of the HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. 1. If one mnn hire nnotber to perform labor, then they 3hall both act in strict conformity to thoir mutual agreonu at. If the agreement be ma<le to Iabor by tbe day. tben the Uborer shall work faithfully. in accordance with his previous engagement. lf he be indolent or idel, or work 80 sluggardly that little labor is performevi, tben his wages may be diminisbed, he may not be pnid according to tbo promise, bec;»use the luborcr b is not laborod according to their mntual agreement. 2. If a man engaged to perform labor by tbe job, bo sball complete tbe labor at tbe time on whieh tbey sball muiually agreo. The man shall also perform tbe labor faitbfully. lf any one do his work imperfectly, or roally do it badly. aud does not fiuish it well, according to the promise, hi.> pay may be dirninished or entiroly withheld if tbo laborer do tbe work very badly. And if tbe employer sutler material damnge on aeeouni of tbe f**ult of tbe laborer. tben he sball pay all damnges sustained by him whom he bas iujured. 3. lf one man engaged to perform labor for anotber, and the time of laboring be agrecd upoa, or tbe time when the labor sball be completed, the laborer shall fulfil the agreomeut whieh they mutually raade. If tho hbor be not finished at the time agrced upon, and tho employer sutFer tbereby, then there is a crime, aud ho who committed it shall pay damage, according to the amount of daraage sustained tbrough bis failure. 4. AH laborersof every kind who laborfor biro, and al! porsons who hire property, sball perfectly fulfil their motual agreement. Whoever does not thns fnlfil his agreement is enminal, and be shali be fiued*according to the amount of loss sustained by tbe other partv. 5. If on aocount of sickness or on acconntof tbe judgment of God, a man fail to fulfil bis agreement, tbeu botb parties sustain loss, no fiue shall be exacted of him. A man shall be tined for his own fault only, not for the judgment of God. The judge ahall settle all difficulties between persons who are trading with eaeh otber. 6. This law does not apply reuter lands, nnless tho agreement be made in writing, for it is only a written agreement whieh is binding iu re!ation to rented lands and house Iots, nor shall they then be binding for a Ioug timo, nnless countersigned by the King and Primier, according to the Constitntion. And mauy however may have liberty to rent out hia for a siogle year, accordiug to a former agreemer.t or the Nobles. Tbis law has no special relation to eommon trado, for tbere is already another law iu relation to that snbject. Should this lnw be proclairaed in any village or district of coontry, tbe day of its proclamation sball be the day of its taking etfect. But eveu if it be not proclaimed it shall take ctfect on the first day of September of the cnrront yoar, and that too on ali places of tbe Hawaiian Islands. All tlie words of this law. havingthe assent of tho Nobles and Representatives in eonneil, we bave hereunto set oor names at Lahaina, Maoi, on this 10th day of May, in tho year of onr Lord one thousand eigbt handredaod forty-one. (Signed,) KAMEHAMEHA III. KEKAULUOHI. CHAPTER XXIV. LAW RESPECTING PARTNERSHIPS. If any number of pereons wish to unite their property for tbe pnrpose of accomplisbing some great objcct. or for the porpose of trude, it shall l»e b gal to do so. The law sball give protection to snch partnerebips, whieh sha!I be formed ss follows: 1. If any number of pereons design io form a psrtnership of property, for the porpoee« of trade or bnsiness. then they sball firet agree togetber on tbe principles of their partnership, and put tbat agreemeot in writing and pnt their names at tbe bottom. One copy, however, of tbe writingsball not be snfficient. lf tbere be iwo partnere in the compact there mnst be two copies of tbe agreement, if tbree persons inthe compact. tben three copies of tbe agreement, the namber of eopiea correspoudiiig to tbe nomber of pereons united in the partnerebip; the d.rterect copies mast agree in every particn!ar : and eaeh person mcst keep his owe copy of tba agreement. When tbe agreement as to the partnerehip ia eomp!eted, it mast tben be made poblic, tbat the people may hear ik. The proper way is to print it. bat if that be not done, tben let the notice be wriiten and the writing be made pnblic, after whieh tbe whole oomber of persons incIod«d in tbe company become one in law. (To Bc Ckmiinu<d.)