Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 185, 10 August 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

DAL\IPPON Hot*l 8t’-et I I *kj TL«-- *bor Sv.n- hx» rrrr red auotb<* l .xrp* Iaroi«e of jJapAKESE f ANCY pOODS, Per S. S. “China.” —OOMIKMne— BEAUTIFCL SILK. AND CRAPE. Dtm« Goodc in ail »Lade, plain and fi(rnr*><J. CasLions TabU Cor«s, ItedCorezs, Gowtw, ehemii»*, SLawls. Si l'iii|ie Kainhow Silks, Ali Colors Fancr Drapehe«, EHBROIDERED HAItDKERCHIEFS DoiIlies, 8c*rf*, HmIim, Jackcta, C«|*. Etc., Etc. N()VELTIES: fbe Pri«s of thefle Goods will astoni*h you inc)ndi&g ELEŪANI SILK KIM0N08! Handsome Ci>?urettc Cases, I’in C'«shion8, Silk Tea Co8«ies, l.lihiK INP SX1LL JAI’1\KSK KLUS Silk l'nibrvllas, ligkt but strong; Chair Sad<Hes, Silk; KiuuIkk) BUnd8, fitted with pullcys; Si)k Lnmp Sh*4y», new 6tyle. JAI'ANENK sCUi:i:.NS, From $:i l'p. LlKUE J1IM>KSF. l'MKKKLLAN i L ll. C«u bo Set with Pole in the gronnd, j uiee for l’ieuiea or Luuehea oul of doors, ) they ean bc opeued out or used as a tent. C OTT()N CRArES IN GKKAT VARIETY f5f*Insp*ction Ue>pectfully Inrited. Mk«. J.P.P. Calsaco, Aroj>rietregg. A|>rl‘.-3ui8 JUST ARRIVED, 5 3 5 BABY ■ CARRIAGES OF ALL STVLES, r \ ■■ : IS THE LATEST l'ATrERXS. “■H OUSEHOLD SEWING MACHINES Ha-vd Skwixg Macmi.\zs, Cy*AU Wilh lbe Latecl Imprvremenb>*^3 PARLOR Ortrans, Ouitarr Aad Other Muaioal InstrumeDfcs \Vines, Liquors, Beer always os hand. and FOB SALE BY ED. H0rr8CHLiEGEB l C0. King St.. oppo. Caetle t Cookrt, TO L£Tor LEANE. *1>03M on Kmg Street next to T. B. Walke»’« premisc <x>ntauung parior, dimng 10 >m and thnx hedrocina, besidna kilehen faathroom ateble« aad aU uoden oonmaien»s—lataly oocnpied by Mr. Kuahee. Reatasrderate wraeponaibiepartr. Addrew jyl« A6EAHAU F£EXAXDEZ.