Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 186, 11 August 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

MACFAKLANE <fc CO. Dealer$ in Wines and SpiriU\ Hoaalaln. H. E. McINTYRE & BRO., Gbocebt, Feed Stobe <fc Bak_ebi, Corner of King and Fort Sts., Honolnln , J. PHILL1P8, PRACTICAL PLUMEEK, OA.S.FITTER X»PPER-SMITH, Honse and Ship Job M ork Promptly Executed. No. 71 King Street. Honolnii. Db. M< LENNAN, F"rt Street, above Hotel. Mutual Te!ej»hone t>s2. t<»r olllee; 2S? lbr re?idence. j. v ‘-$ I :o. e KOWE. Hohs€ Sifjn and. Omanuntal Painter. Manufacture of Liquid S!atmg. 62U King Street. a»gl 1 I LEWIS J. LEVEY. Heul Estate and Heneiul Auctioneer. Corner B Fort aml Quecn Stre*ts, Ilunolulu Porsonal attention given to Sales of Farnilnre, Real Estate. Stock and General Merchandise. Vfntnal T«leohoue 2.1S H. L()SE, N otary l^uhlie. ColIector and Gencral Busine88 Agent. Paienlee of Losk’s Ohemioal CoMPorxn for Clarifying Cane Juice. I Suh-Agent for scvcral *of thc Best ! FIRE L\SURAXCE COS. Mnlnal ’l'Mephone s. P. O. Itox 1138. Merchant street. Huuolnlu. “FAT BOY.’’ 8AL00N ! P. McINERXT, Proprietor, Fine Liquors. Wines and Beer. OOKMH B>THtL AXU HoīKL Sts. Honolulu Carriage Manufactory w. W. WRIQHT, Pk<hrietur, {Sncve*sor to G. tVcsl). L'aRRIAQR BITLT»ĪNG i>d KF.PAIRING. : V,’ AU Orders frum thc Other lsl»mt# in the i C*rri«ge BniIJing, Trimming aud Painting i I.ine Will Mcct'with Pn>mpt Attvntlon. Blacksniithinir iu All lts Various Brun<'hcs 1 Oone. P. O. Bo\ an. Noe. »nd 130 | Fort Strcct. jvI9 Iy W. S. LUCE Wine and Smrit Merchant CampMl Fii'C'irroof MERCHANTST. HONOLELU. j opi\ESE (mmsz Y. 33 > Both Telbphones 335 . Haek Stand, Corner King and Maunakea Street«. Hacks at All i flours. jy27 Anchor-:-Salbon Ex “AUSTRALIA.” ; Another Iuvoice of the orld Henowned Ifreoericksburg LA6ER BEER On draught and by the keg. Aho, as a Specialty, i S¥ALL FRESH CAUF0RN!A 0Y3TERS. for cocktails mayl 3ms