Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 190, 16 August 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

macfarlane a co. Dcakn in Wines and Spi Ke»bum»att S»rett, Hoaolnla. H. E. McINTYRE & BRC Gbocebt, Feed Stobe & Bak Corner of K.ing and tort Sts., Hono J. PH1LL1P8, rRACTICAL PLUMEEK, GAS.FF] X>PPEK-S3irTH, jHonse and Ship Job V Promptly Executed. No. 71 King Street. Honol Dk. M< LENNAN, Fort Strcet, above Hotel. Matual Teiephone 6 V 2. f.»r cl 287 for re?idence. jy2S ED. C iIOWE. Houae Sign awl Oinaine PainUr. Manufacture <>f Liquid S!ai G20 Ring Streel. LEWI8 J. LEVEY, Reul Estiite and Gen< Auctioneer. Ooruer.Fort an.l Quecn Strett«. Hor Personal attention given to .■ of Furniture, Real Estat. Stock and Genernl Merchandise. Mntnal Tclet'Uone 238 II. LOSE, Kbtary I^uLlie, Collector and Gmeral Bus Agent. Palenlee of Ijosk’s Chk\ Compoi' nn for C1 arify> n Cane Juue. Sub-Ageni for screral oJ Bcst FIRE INSURANCE ( Mntnal ’l’elephoue ». P. O. B< M.rcliaut street, Honolnlu. “FAT BOY.” BAY H0R8E^SAL0( P. McTN'LUNY, Profrietor, Fine Liquors. Wines and ! Ookneh IUtuel and Hotkl StHonolulu Carriage Manufa< W. W. WRIGHT. Phopkieīok (Succv<.*or to O. We»t). ‘ CaRR1AGE KULOINO cnp REPA1 i V- AIl Onlon. from tbc OtiH‘r I#UnU« C«rn.urc BuiWln?. Trinimiua »ud Pi 1 1 ine »ill Meet witb Pn>mpt Att Black«mitbimr in Ail lt? Vari.>tis Br 1 Oone. P. O. Box 321. No«- » Fort 8lrect. Jj jw. S. LUe | Win© and Sni Merchant CavifMl Ftre-proof Blocl MERCHANT ST. HONOLI I ~ ' " ' ■ — cjii\ESE enmm VOMFAS y, 33Both Th.ki hone8 35 Haek Sund, Corner Klng Maunakea S reete. Hacks nl H'>uni. ī.' Anchor-:-Salo I_ . _