Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 191, 17 August 1894 — LADIES’ COLUMN. [ARTICLE]


Tbis spraetbing for article. we faad in ]«st week bas demonstrated tfaree tbings, FlRSr. that a good many peop!e waul »oraetbing for ootbing and SECOND, the rast ditference there is in tbe ideas of valnes—the gaesses made, ranged from $150 to $‘2,000, while the nearest' gnesser Miss Lena Brnns. who wins tfae Dress Pattern f was $300 under tfae valne of tbegoods; acd the second best gnesser Mrs. Harry Levris was $310 over the valae, winning the second prize. j THIRD, that the real jodges ' of valaes snap np bargains. when a real bargains is otfered. 1682 people entered onr store last ; week, of whieh 1563 made purcbases. because, they fonnd what tfaey wanted ai satisfactory prices. Tbis week, Embroideries, Laces, Fedora real Torchon alencienues, Clack Spangled and Beaded Lices in latest novelties will go: also, we want to eall j 3‘our special attention to LADIES KIBBED VESTS in COTrON at 1 10 cents, 121 cents, 15 ceuts and 25 cents; tfaese have only to be looked at to cause yon to buy them. Fine pure wfaite and Egyptian Lisle at 75 cents. All wool Ribbed Vests in white and nutm - al colors. Silk Ribbed ( Vests, and Mcrino Eibbed Vests. i Tbese goods we carry in low ueek no sleeves; high neek, j j sleeves, they are beautiful and new goods. Tfao Australia faas brought us no end of uew things, that we 1 will menlion next week. B. F. EHLERS & C0.