Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 192, 18 August 1894 — LADIES’ COLUMN. [ARTICLE]


Tiiis somethinf; for uothi&g '* artāc!e, we had in last week has demonsirated three tbings, F1R-Sr, that a good manv peo-; ple want something fcr nothiug and SEO»ND, the vxst difference there is io the ideas of valnes—tbe gaesses made. ranged from ?150 to $2,000, while the nearest j guesser Miss Lena BrnnS, who wins the Dress Pattern, was 8300 nnder the valne of thegoods; and the secood best gaesser Mrs. Harry Lewis was 8310 over the value, wianing the second prize. THIUD, that the real jndges of valnes snap np bargains, when ! a real bargains is otfered. 1682 I>eople entered onr store last week, of whieh 1563 made pnrchases, because. they found what they wanted at satisfactory prices. This week. Embroideries, Laces, ‘ Fedora real Torchon alenciennes, Black Spangled and Beaded Laces in latest novelties will go; also, we want to eall , yonr special attention to LADIES RIBBED VESTS in COTTON at 10 cents, 121 cents, 15 cents and 25 cents; these have only to be looked at to cause you to buy them. Fiue pure white and Egvptian Lisle at 75 cents. All wool Ribbed Vests in white and • n:itural colors. Silk Ribbed i Vests, and Merino Ribbed Vests. | ! These goods we carry in low neek no sleoves; high noek, i \ sleeves, they are beautiful and new goods. The Australia has bronght us no oud of new things, that we 1 will mentiou next week. B. F. EHLERS & C0.