Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 194, 21 August 1894 — A HINT TO DOLE. [ARTICLE]


Thc Unexpccted Result Of Wrong Doing. Sonoebody sto!e a quantity of wino and cigars k«*pt by ex-presi dent Hnnison iu bis rooui at tbe Leland St;«nford Univers.ty, in Califoruia, aud tlie students were ftsked, and refwsed to mnke good tbe loss. The piesident of tlie University therefore deciiled t Q pay tlie nmouul of tbe Ioss—-tbirtv-fmir dollars—ont of his

ow» pocket, and tben tbe stadents c«pitulnted. Tbe would nut let tbeir president sutter, aud made good tbe aiiiouul tbemselTes. Tbe most cnrious developiuent of tbe iucideut was tiio fact tbat keeping liqnor ou tbo premises is forbidden by tbe rules