Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 194, 21 August 1894 — Watch Your Tickets. [ARTICLE]

Watch Your Tickets.

Thc poliee have been infonned that a large nun>ber of counterfeit lotterv tickets are being j>eddled in this city. particularly aloag lbe water front and in Uie neighborhood of the factories and wurk-sbops soutb of Market street. Louisiana, Little Loui- ; siaua. Mexicau aud Little Mexiean tickets are the ones counterfeited. and tbough, nooe will bear close inspection, they are all sufilciently eloee imitations to deceire at a giance. None of these bogns tickets have a water mark milled in ihe paper. j The men who are circulating the connterfeits are tbe same three men who were previouslv arrested and escap«d on a technicality.—F. Ckronide.