Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 194, 22 August 1894 — Artiflcial Lightning. [ARTICLE]

Artiflcial Lightning.

■ . I I II With a cnrrent of 500 volta of r electricity sbooting througb his , i body Harry Willila. a young visitor from Camden, fell on tbe | I sidewalk unconscions to-night, i and it was only after a balf- , bour's hard work that be was l brougbt back. to consciousness. t Tbe accidt ut was a peculiar oue. It was raining. and young WilliU was walking along Atf lantic avenne carrying an um-, » brel)a witb un entire steei I bandle. Tfae tip struck an arc i light whieh bong sus{iended I I above tbe sidewal«, and in an , \ instant tbe young m&n was i hurled to tbe gronnd as by a ligbtning’s bolt. He is stiil snrf [; fering from tbe euoek. Tbe um- • 1 brella was rent and twisted eomi - pletely ooi oi sbape by ibe »{ po»erfo) carreut. the silk coverī { ing being torn into a hundred 1 fragmenU. —JST«i e York Exchangt.