Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 194, 22 August 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]


Manpema is du& today frora the Ooloniea. The bktne S. O. Wilder aailed \ to-day, in ballast. for San Frau- ! cisco. The dog-poi8oning case has' been reraanded for hearmg until next Friday. The engageraont of Miss Atkinson lo Lieuteaant Gibbous R. N is auuounced. . Did Dole take his body guard ; with him to Molokai or is George i left without his nursling? No more Hor 13eeb ! N. Breham sells now a new de!icious drink called the Morning Slar. * The Gorbara D. Gilman lecture blocked the inteuded meeting of the I raproved Uawaiiaus last •veuing. Sev«ral political stars of the previous p. g. conslellation left for wiudwanl, by the steamer Uall yesterday morning. Rain has fallen on the monntains dunng the uight, enough to sbow • sligbt increase in the flow of the Nuuanu brook-let. The bark Albert whieh sailetl yesterday for San Francisco. carried a cargo. the doraestic valuationof wliieh was$44.3t»l 39. We will aii be thero. Where ? Wby, at the Scheut*en Club Mas<iaerade B.*ll. Mouday, September 3, 1S94. Eveiybody is going. Are you ? • Messrs. Morgan aud McStocker left for Hawau yesterday on the W. G. Hall. it is reported that “ooffee" (not io tins) is tbe object of their journey. Tbe MeCandless Brotbers are making rapid progreaa in boring arteaiao weli on the Hospital grounda. A depth of 350 feet i_ad been reached yesterday.

I ——— PIeotv of mio *od do regi«tr*- | tiOD OO Hawaii. t Mr. C B. Makee left for K*u*i !ast evening, The Ilawaiiao jonr will proi biibiy be cilled uext M.»oday. - A strike arn u ng the Japanese at Ewa, ia repurted this uiornsng. Tlie late find by tbe detective corps loiks a littie otf "Coolt«r and as a bid for more mouey. Tbe non arrival cf tbe steamer Belgic soggest» tb«t tbe vr*sel may bave gone on dsiect to San Francisco. Tbe Schoetzen clnb have added seveml uew numbers to the roll and are becoming a strong politscai power in the land. The case of Joliiva churged with illicit liquor selliug, is being tried before Juuge Kobertson this afteruoon. Chreighton for the defeudant. Work at the Honolulu Iron j Works is at a standstill almost. Thtre are no present prospects of an iucrease iu tbe labor roll tior o( work for those now on the list. Levey will hold anauction sale at noou next Saturday of several building lots suitable for homesteads in tbe viciuity of Metcalf and B ngham streets, Punahou* Friday next proioises to be a big ieception d«y iu the District Court. Judge Robertson has decided not to issue any more curds of invitation thiU those uow alreudy out. Capt. Zeigler’s companj had drill on Palaee square tbis after- j noon for «>ver au bour. Comp»ny, squad and shrtrpshooter, movements were performed with ( cousidcrable vim and ability. — Volcano p<t**engein are very scarce in town at prese»t. None went by the stearaer Hall yester dav and none «re bookod for the l ... stearaer Kioau. The usual distorbance occurred on tne pavilion at the Palaee grounds yeaterday raorning. Berger, as usual was leader of the uoisv element. * - - Mrs. Tbirds will give a theosophieal lecture on Thursday evening next at Foster hall. Ihe lady is a sound. sensible aud easilv- understoud speaker, aud sbould have u large audience. The Couucils may meet toraorrow afternoon. There will be a pro tera secretary. and the abseuce of the -, Mr Dole and I others. presage8 but little busi—ness being transacted. Mr. D >le left ou the Claudioe last night for Molokai lhree of tbe Judd boys escorted him on bis deer - slaiightering tour and the Reverend Hyde fuilowed as chaplain-in-ordinary. to His exExcellenc}-.

Bv of a coraplaint raade bv Mra. F. Nieholl proprietress of the Boston rooms, postage stamps have hnd prestige euouph • j to plaee one of her eraployees in an unpleas«Mt position, being i charged with larceny. The ooming rifle shoot for tho championship bctwcen comi«ny E of the r»*pular aud D of tbe voluute»-r troops 18 creHtmg quite l an iuterest in military circhs. . ; The D boys are believed to be ' abte to win. The obnoxion.s vincs whieh overh«ng the wall of the Bisbop i | premises ou Kmg street now exteud over one half of the sidei i W alk CapUiu King has lo give ! the spat a wkle birth iu p«ssiDg j or e!se his hat would be wrecked. r i > There w*s a ‘*der«iling’ accidt ent reported as baving occnrred ou the line of the Oahu R«ilway yesterdHV ahemoon. Se\eral cars laden with eoal, jmu|>ed the ) tr«ck at tbe Waiawa st«tiOn. A i wrecking train and crww were 1 qaickiy dispatcbed, aud bat litt!e I delay occurred io other trains. No one waa injored.

} The McGrew Divorce Case — Tbis case was finally brt>fgbt io a fiuisb yesterday. Attorney for libellant (p*-r gaardi«o) ealled *s witness*s Mrs. S. S. R >bertson.Mrs J S McGrew, J. Coliaeo. Pnrser Kibliug. J. Backley. S«ra L.tdd and C, B>lte. For tbe libellee, Mr. aod Mrs. J. Wmter were c«lled, After argament bv counse]s Jndge Co«)per reserve<l hisdecisson cBt«l furtber points of iaws rel«tiug to marri»ge rel«tions have been submitt d to bira. It is reported that Mr. Alex. Yonng's mission to Sao Fnincisco, relative to obtaining the contrrtct for putting iu new macbinerv, in the Ewa placta-j tion, has proved a failura. Buis f «r lower thau bis were presented for tbe work ; 4 ■ — TheliqaorcasesagainstHonghtailing and G;bbs were fiuished lhis morning in the D;strict Court: Honghtailing w,»s discharged, aud Gibbs was fined §100andcosts An appeal to the C»rcnit Court was noted. Chas. Chreigtton apj)eared for the defendants. I If Yovb Horse or D<mj s sick sen«l thera at onee to*205 King Street. Tbe onh’ Veter iuary Iufirmary in tbe Repablic * fully equipped \vitb moderu apphui ces and skillfull alte:ulauts. augl-lm lt is st ited that the governraent has finally decided to c«ncel the commission of circait Jadge Kepoikui at tiie end of the month. Ch Baldwin. a nephew of H. P. Baldwin aud a meraber nf the farailv compact. is raeutioned as his successor. He will make a d;«isy jiidge. What’s the raatter \vith Kalna. » K. Amaya’s photograpbic gullery on Nuuanu Street is tnrning out soine first class work. The pictures of the 'Likneh'ho aud groujM?sof Jnpuiiese naval officers j)rove that even in tbe art of photography tho Japanese are eqnal to their white brethren. And the charges ure within the reach of anybody desiriug to be i “perj>etuated’ ou paste-board ! The famous Rawlins case was contiuued by Jndge Wbitting aud ; a jurv this raorn:ng. The c »se wuuld probably bave beeu finisb- ] ed bofore uoon, but the snddeu illuess of Mr. P. Isenberg, a jnror, necessitated a recess, to , 1:30 p. m. After a short deliberatiou this afternoon, the jury renderetl an unanimous verdict in favor of Rawiios Jayiug the damages ut ?5,333.