Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 194, 22 August 1894 — HARD TIMES. [ARTICLE]


It seems tbat the Stnr statement that there are no Lard times in Hawaii ainee the revolntion receives no endorsement frora the snpporters of the government. The Adteritser this moming nrges the goverm?nt to do something to relieve the h«rd times aiul it snggests to tbe eouueil» to grant a franchise to tbe syndicate. wbicb it is claimed desires to build an electric road in Honoinlo. Tbe Adverti8er does not I , boom the loeal syndicate whieh is beaded bv Tliurston. It has only an eye forthe Victoria syndi- j cat« of whieh Mr J. Castle. the | brilliaut Kalniku fiuancier, is a member. Tbe Advertisei states ; thnt this syudicate will immedii ately sj>end 8150,000 on the roads, ' whieh nodonbtedly wonld furnish work for many of the unemploy- ; ed. But we are very sceptical in i regard to tbis latest scbeme. We . iiave seen so mueh of frauchises j in this couutry, and we have seen very little ol the work wliieh was I snpposed to be done nnder tlie franchise. Tlie couucils shonid notuudortake the granting of .s«ch , a franchise. In u few months i the legislature is supposed to i meet, aud it woukl certainly be inoproper for the present temporary self elected assembly to puss a measure of s«eh an import mee The Adverti*er goes so far in ; its anxiety to railroad brothei Jiiu's scheme throngh that it actually besmirches tbe eoming legislature—of its own creation bv sayiug that “the lower house of the coming legislature uiay, possibly, if tlie na- | tives finally register, be lnrgely j in the control of the native mem- j bers, who e m hard!y be counted ! on as 8pecudly interested in any public improvemenls.’' It is plensing to see the official ' organ at lust comiug out in its true cbaracter as a kanaka- : i hater. Whatever is done iu regard to the proposed franchise the authorities should assnre themselves l>efore granting it, thut it is a bona jxde aelieme and that the money is there It may turn out to be a gameof bluff aud a specu- ; | latiou to get the Traraway Company to compromise or buy the S3*ndicate out. Eveu tbe name of the immaculate collector general is not a sufficieut gaarautee tbat tbere is not a f ill-born Elhiopian 8omowhere in the electric woodpite.