Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 194, 22 August 1894 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

— Whilk the Japanese and Chi nese representatives here are doing tbeir best to prevent anv serious outbreak of tbe ili-feeling eiisting between theCbinese and Japanese residents. tbe official | organ is doing all it ean to create , tiouble by printing idiotic pie- ; tures of imagined battles between tbe two nations Mr Castie shonld retnember that tbe semicivilized Asiatics baveu't got bis . wonderfuf vein of huroor, or yet. ' acqaired • tbe taste for satire. Irritation aud strained feelings. : «re the only results of his folly. | There is surel_v sufficiently close relations betweeu bis ciique and tfae Japanese aud Cbinese to; teach bim this.