Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 195, 23 August 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Clty*a Meat Market Oppo. Q neen Enima H&li. Estt»biisb®ti 1883. JOS. TINKER, PMvul Y ifaker of the Ce!ehrated < Cambridge Pork Sausage ! Try Them. Meat Delivered to Any Part of the City and Suburbs. MutūAi TeI«pfaone Nomber 28f. Y0K0HAMA BAZAAR, — Corner of — HOTEL * NUUANU Srs. 3i!k and Crepes, Einhroidervd Hudkerchiet8, Window CurUine, Str»w Hau, Fan9. Lsnt**rn9, Bh9K6U. ali «orts; Hiehee. Tea and Breakfa*t S«U, Trays, FIovrer Pot?, Silk BedquiiU, H.mihoo Screens, Neck*tiea, Silk and Crepe Shirts, Japauese Toys, Japane!«e Pruvi9ions by tbe wholeaale. jy28 MURATA A CO. City - Carriage Mf’Q. Co. Blacksmith Shop 107 KING STREET D. BEplT, Biacksmith Work AXD Carriage Repalring PAINTING :AND : TRIMMING In all it.s Branches, at Bed R«ick Pricea. Mulual Telephone !>82 Give U8 a Call and judp> f<>r yourself. jy?3 HoVsn 1(bb Tinsmiths and Dealers Crockery, ClAssware, tfc. WaTER. PIPE5 LAID AN'D PLUMHINO NEATLT EXECUTED No fl Naoana St, betwe«n Kia« »nd Hotcl A*eu Buikil ag ;jO 2ra Winjr Oli^n. no nuuanu street H'knolulu 3^exc3aa,nt Xailox A fine a89ortment of Amenean, EnglĪ8h and Scolch CIoth9 on hand gnrd work and a FlKST CI.ASS fit gu»ranteed ClothtseaecIdn & repa>red jy~lna SAM YEE HOP, No. 552 King Street. Dealer in California aud Hawaiian Froits and Vegetibles, Guava Jelly, Tea and Ground CotTee, Cigarsetc. jy2U Mit val r«L »Se- P. O Bo* 159. WING WO TAI & CO., So- 15 Stbe*t Hos«t'Xf H L, Commission Merchants, —lWFOBTZKfl A.TD DSALXM IX—6en«rai MerdiandiaeFlne Vt*nu* Ctemr«. Ctiaes« «ad C rocke»TW»re. M»ttiag5, Vom« ol »11 kind*. C»mpborwoo<l Truaka. iUilaa Cbalr*. A F)oe AMOilmeal ai Drea* 9llk», CkoiN»t Bru4* of Iklnn» wd Japaoeae Teaa uf Lateat lmport*Woo» o/Xtw