Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 196, 27 August 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 [ADVERTISEMENT]

itysa Market Oppo. Qnecn Emma Hali. EsUbIisbod 1883. JOS. TINKER, f*\M fL Y BJycHE^ }faher of tke Cdebrakd Cambridge Pork Sausage l Tky TnEM. Meat Deliveml to Any Part of tho Citv aud Sobnrbs. Mulnal Telephone Nnmber 289. Y0K0HAMA BAZAAR, — G>rner of — HOIEL & NUUANl’ Sts. Silk and Crepcs, Embroidered Hadkerchiefs, \Vindow Curtains, Straw Hat*<, Fans, Lnnterns. Baslt<4s. a!l sorts: Dishes, Tea and Breakfast Sc'ts. Trays, Flower Pots, Silk Bedquiits. Bamboo Screens. Neck-ti< s, Silk and Crepe Shirts, Japanese Tovs, Japanese Provisions by the wholesale. jy2S MURATA & C0. City - Carriage M F’Q. Co. Blacksmith Shop 107 KING STREET D. BEJ\lT, Blacksmith Work asd Carriage Repairing PAINTING : AND : TRIMMING In all its Br.mches, at Bed Uuek Prices. Mulual TeIephone 382 Give us a Call andjndge for yourseIf. jv23 » _ Hū Yen Tinsmiths and Dealers Crockery, GlAssware, $c. W.\TER riPFJs AND PLLMKINU XBATLY EXECUTED

N'o fl Naaanu bct««ea Ring an<! HoUI A«a Bultdi ng ]T«j iim Siug: Chan, N'O. 3a> NL UAN'U STREET. OONOLULU Eeaāloi A *fine nsftortnafnt of American, English and 8cutch Cloths on knnd. go«;d work and a F1RST CEASS fit guaranteed Clotheseae cldn A repaired jy7lm SAM YEE HOP, No. 652 King Street, Deaier in California and Hawaiian FraiU and Tegetables, Gaava Jelly, Tea and Gr>ond Cotfee, Cigarsetc. jy20 Mctvjul T«l_ i 6n. P. o. Bo* i$L WING WO TAI & C0., No. >) Ssu!ic Stuct, Hwhhu, H. L Commission Merchanfs, —iMPoam» asd Duuu i.\— Generai Mcrchandise. Flu« Mnaila Cig«r*. Chincs« »oid Croek<rr«anf, Mattlngf, Vu« ol »11 ktml«. C«mphor «cod Trunks, R»tt»a Cbaira. A Flae AMorta»eBt oI Si!k». Choic«tt Br*ncU of Chim**e aml J»p*a«sc Tes* of Late«t lmport»tioai I**f*<tīon o/ Xem Goodfyt»p<ii(/* Uy Wc L'e Jaly6.