Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 196, 27 August 1894 — Japan and China. [ARTICLE]

Japan and China.

A uumberof rumors were started this moruing among the Cbiuesa who have clairaed to have received private information in regard to the great w ir. The Belgic left Yokohama on the 14th inst. The Arawa Ieft V«acouver on th« | 17th. The telegrapbic dispatches brought by the Iatter vessel are dated the 16th aud are tbe latest information. The rumors tbat Naniwa aud other vessels have been destroyed are simply nonsousc. fhe Bel$ic broughi no ne<rs i from the seai of u‘ar. The war spirit iu Japan rons high and it • is well uuderstood tbat the plan o( the lmperial government is to march on Peking as soon as posaibly with all torces.

The preseDtation tbU moraiug by Mr. Willi» of the letter 6f re- • cognition from Mr. Clere!and to Mr. Dole sboald Lave tbo de«ir- | ed effect of makiog the people ! realize tbat tbe Hawaiian ques-1 tion as far as the Cnited States' u eonoem is settled. Tbe great powers of Eorope will follow in tbe footsteps of i.merica and anjbodj familiar with ihe cianaer in whieh histoiy is made will kuow that the nioe days wonder of the Hawaiian conspiracy and 1 revo!ution is a matter of the ; dead past, and th«t th« jnterest; creatod by artificial means in our domestic affairs bas dropped with a dnll tbud and Hawaii has been redneed from a u two eolumn*’ to “a hal£-stiok malter.” Qod help«iboae whoe help themaelr«a —Cleveiaud heipa nobody.