Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 196, 27 August 1894 — Hawaiian hardware Comp'y. [ARTICLE]

Hawaiian hardware Comp'y.

Jnly 24 1304. Ia‘ Paddenhead Wilaon’s Phil- . osophy ' Mark Twain »ays: “Pat all of yoar egga ia one basket — and watch that basket’’ Eggs are not tbe oniy tbiogs to whieh this applies, we ean make :t Ct stoves and cbange egga * into do!lars and make it read —Invest your eoin in a Fansy Stove —and the stove will watoh itself. We have been watching tbeāo stovt-s for the p.>st flve years, and find ihem the best iron stove sold in tbis market for tbe money, Where else than at our store ean you get a stove that will do everything that a IŌ0 stove wili doand , get it for ?15? EehO answers, *he pUoe i»n‘i huili.’ We have sold bnndreds of tLese stoves in Honolulu, and never had a eomplaint. Two weeka ago, we sold one to a gentleman on Hawaii, . aud yeatenlay he onlered anothcr for a friend. Tha stove se!ls itself through its fuel saving qualities, and because, it is a good baker. You ean get other styles of stov6ā if you are not particolar as to the qaantity of fuel yon burn or how your food is cooked. There’s no dys- ; pepsia iu meals prepared on a PANSY. • We reeeived last week a lot of : wire clothes-lines that hold 1 washed clothes without using pins. It is a sort of double \vire arrangement and the pieeea are , hokl iu betweon; the harder the wind blows the tighterthe pieces | are held to the line. There is absolntely no danger of the clothing being torn as there is i nothing sharp about the lino. While the cost is a trifle greater j th:hi ropo, this new sty.le will last so mueh longer that it is eeonomieal to buy the pinless I line. Tho CLAUSS is one of the new fangled saw-edge knivesthat ; cuts warm bread without leaviog iit heavv r and iced eake without making crambs There are two or tbree dTTerent raikes of these knives, all on thc same principle 1 and eaeh one prononnced the best on earth by the mauufac- 1 turers. W'e selected the CIauss, { whieh we believe as a disinterested spectator to be better tban its ueigbbors. Y T ou uever had unything in your life that give as mueh satisfaction for a dollar. If | yon were buying tbo other sort you would get only one. Tho favorite sewing maehine I in any community is tbe one that ■ does the most for the least monev and whieh rnus the easiest. In tbe “ Wertheim” you have a I maehino that sews threo distinct stitches—Tbe Loek, Ohain and Embroidery aud runs easier tban any other maehine, and you pay twentj- dollars less for it. Eeouomy stands boldly every sido i when you buy a Wertheim. In tucking the ehain stitch is pre- • ferabie, but in other kinds of I work, the loek stitch is the best. : If you buy a maehine that sews ’ | the loek, uulcss it is a Wertheim,, ,it won’t sew a ehain stitcb. t There's no particolar saviug in bnving a maehine with but one [ stitch, the Wertheim does three and saves you lots of trouble and work. \Ve vo jast uupackcd six casks : of stand lamps that were built for } bard times. They have metal | bases and are decorated so as to • make a very neat appearance in a ! room- We don’t tbink yon oan | ; get as gootl a lamp anywhere else , for tbe money, tiy as hard asyon ; please. Oor stock of table cntlerv. 1 .• 7 f I spoons and forks is as large as , • yoa wiil flnd in any store in San I ! Fraccisco, and our prices compare • : favorably witb tbosa ie Se? j York. f I ne Einiia Harttare Co. 307 r«tSfaMt