Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 197, 28 August 1894 — PRIZES. [ARTICLE]


Just read them over, and tomorrow wewill have them ;n some prominent store window, whieh will be c-nnounced in tbe pspera, eo you ean see thtm as well; and if you dont say they are tbe most b«autiful and serviceabl* that were ever given—well, eall ua —. You ueed nut be aahataed to that you won them at the Schuetzen Club Ball; they will be a credit to you and to ua. The btst of all ia, they will b« awarded ‘*fair and square.’’ The judgee are unknown and will ma(ce thcxr deciaion while all are en masque. At the sound of a gong all will please aseembie at the platfjrm when the winnin* parties will be oa!!ed up costume and the prizes awarded then and tbere. The wiuner must tben unmaak in tbe presence of all, ao everyone ean see who wina.

I,ADIES' PR-ZES. FlR8T PRI7.K B«st dr*->sed !ady cbaracter: A handsomH siifc dress patletu. Skcond Pkize 8«cond b st dresa«d lady charac> ter: A superp alhum. Tk:rd Pbi*e. Funuiest fcmale character: One Turkish pluah rug. 4x6 feed. Second funniest femaie obaracter: One fa»>f dozen aolid si!ver apoone. Best suatained fema)e character: The fit;est pair of shoea iti town. If they dont fit, the judges wilitell you were t<* them changed. Best :‘bard limea” lady eoalume: Fivepoond b"*x pureat Freacb c*ody