Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 197, 28 August 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

f fc* fbbnma Calmdat. AL'0CST 28 18S»4. P«MICS KilL ■CBTICB. 8te*mibip« «iil le»»» for ind arr re 8an Fnu>ci«co »»d otber <ornfc pors», on or »bont tfa« {oliovisg date*. s ill lo« clote of 1 »M. fjLAr« Bov)iru ī>n *t Hosoixlc ro* F»LA!fCt»O0.'FM. 8ah FRA*n*ft> O* V*proCVH j O» \'A!«COrTEt. Ao«traba.... Jnn« 23 Aostnii* June iC Moaowai Jot*28 i»w Jone 23 Wanimoo ... Joly 1 Mnipi»» Joly 5 AoamiU Jo)y 21 Anuimli* Ju|y U j AI*&m<U.... Joly 28 Wnnimoo.. ,inly 23 Atm Aug. 1 Monowoi Ang. 2 Anwmlia Aog. I» Au*trolia Aog. II Maiipuii».... Ang.23Aiow» Aog. 23 W*mrooo .. 8ept. 1 A1mb»<U. ... Aog. 30 . Anfttr*li»....8ept. 15 Analmha Aejrt. 8 Monown....8ept. 22 Wawimoo.. .Iept.23 Inwi Oei. 3 Mturipofta. ...L«pt. 27 Anfttrftiift Oct. 10 An»trn!i» *Vt. 6 ; Al»m«d» Oct. 18 Ar»wa Oel. 23 Wimiaio .,. Jfor. 1 Monowni ... .Oct. 25 Aa<tnfa» .. ,Nof. 10 Ao«rtr»li» Nor. 3 Mnnpom... .Not. 15 AlwneA*.... Sot .29 inw*. tVec. 1 Wammoo . .Xot.23 Aoelnlu ... .Dec. 8 Amtr*U« Dec. 2 Monoww ...,D«c. 13 Mnripo»a..,.Dec. 20 Wnmmoo .. .Dec. 30 Ar»wft Dee. 22 Aofttraii* ,,. ,Dec. 31 mm» i.n pobt . H B M 8 Myacinth, May, Eaqnmolt, B. C. j *HU'HA'THr_S Hk AIbert, GrifBthft, 8an Fr»nci»co. Am bktne 8 N Cafttle, Hnhhan). Knn Pran. Ger bk Hent*. Tieiuann, 1 iewpool. 8chr W 8T«lbot,B , ohnm,Newc'wtle N6 W. 0 8 8 Aafttraiia. HoniileUe, S F Bg K F Ritbet, Moniaon, S F. Bk AJex»ndra, Bartield, Neweiwlle, N 8 W. , Am bk Klikitat, CntWr, Port Towosend. Am bk Amy Turuer, Wariaud.Ncw York. POMKil TEffifL» EXPB4'TED. Am bk W 8 PhelpK . Oray’« Har.... Dne 8chr Alleii A S F;Mab) dne S«br Bobert Lewers...Gr<y’HVr Dne Br abip Ormar« NewcHStle.... Ang. 20 B«tir 8ndic S F (Kah).... Ang. 30 04088 Belgtc.... Yokoh«ma. Ang. 21 Bk C D Bryant 8F Ang. 22 ; EM 8 8 ManpuM... .8yduey.... Ang. 23 Bk O N Wileoi Middl»«borough.Ang25 0A8SArawa V«nooQTer ...Aug. 24 O S S Alameda S F Ang. 30 C A 8 S Wanimoo ... Sydney Aog. 30 FM 8 8 Chma 8an Fitn. ...8ept. 3 Bktnr Jobu 8mith .. .Newea-Ale. .Sept. 4 Oer bk Paul Iaeuberb . Breroen... .Not. 1 B*rk Bonleubeck .. ,.LiTerpooi. ..Not, 23 Two liltle Kittens one »tormy night, Begi«n to qu*rrel, aud tben to flght, One had a muu«e, «ud the ather had none Thia waa tbe way the quarrel began; 8«Tenteen (17) b*ir« u( aoap for $1.25. JN. Hkkhk.m Matoal Tel. 314. ang 22nd. We will all be tliore. Wbere ? >Vhy, at tbe Scbeatxen Club Mampienaile Ball, Monday, Sept«mber 3, 1894. Everybody Ls going Are yoa ? * lr Yoi k Hoksk <>r D'G ■ «iek «end (bem at on‘’eto205 Ring 8treet. Tbe ouly \ eterinary Infirmary in the Republic fal)y e«jaipj»ed with moderu appliarces and skillfuil alte:idauts. augl-lm J. J. Williame the well-known Artistic Pbotographer is making • specially of portraits on Watob Dials aud Silk Handkerchiefs. Complete sets of Lautern slides lectores eau be liud nt the ga)lery. For the}' are sold at a reasonable figure by the do*en or by tbe hundml. * NOTICE. All per*on® are hertby notifitd and cautioned that anyone ca"ght 8bootiu3 g«me oi any <ieecriptiun or trT>8jw*8ing oo anr <»f the )ands belooging to the unders;gned on thi* I*,and, will be pr«»mptiy pro«ecuted. [Signed], J. I. D0WSETT. Hooolalu, Acg. 25, 1894 Iw d eii^oiī —0F THE — I0LA|HO^. IN PROBATE. ln tb« ro«tr«r of ihe eatatc ol B5m MAl> tvo. Ute of Uonolola. Oahu, dot«*»-d. 10iMUk. On ibe re*4iug and 8hng tbe p»Titio« ot MK8 SAXO sTlLLMAN ot aaid Huaolala, *Ucfi«{ *bat Kom Muheoo oi aaM Honolalo. Aad inlealaU- at aaid H -uolulu. un tbe 4tb dar «rt P«bruary, A D. IMM. and pra« Sax lbal Uuen of Ad»loMratioa U) ber. «*id Naacy aiiilman. It U ordcr>d. tbat on PKIDAT. tbe 21at dar oT SEPTLMKKK, A. D. be aad bM«by W appolnleO for bcaring a*id ;ctilk>«. in lbc eoartroou» of ml» Co*rt. st Hoooluln, at wb»cb tSme aod piaee all p«r»oa» coaoer««d »»» «pM*r »od ftbo« ,«bm, if aay tb«y harc. wb« a«M pc«lUoo »bonld a<H be xranted. D«Ud Houuialu, U. L, A«g. 8«, A D I9M. „ . BY THK COLBT. 4J»«oi w p. Pmuoa, Unk. «e$. 25-Jwdiy.