Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 197, 28 August 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Cltysā Meat Mark6| Oppo. Qh««q Emmi HaII. EflUblish«d 1883. JOS. TINKER, Y bU jch[ef% Maker of the Cekbrated Cambridge Pork $ausaga I Tbt Thm. Meat Dehvered to Any P»rt ol the City »nd Sobūrbs. Mutnal Telephone Namber 380. Y0K0HAMA — Corner of — I H0TEL <i NUCANU Srs. Silk and Crepe«, Embroidered Hadkercbiefs, \Vindow Curt*ins, Straw Hata, Fans, L>nterns, Basaels. all aortā; Disbe«, Te« and 6reakfast S«U. Trays, Flower Pots, Siik Bedquilta, Bamboo Screens, Xeck-ties, 8ilk and Crepe Shirts, Japaaese Toy«, Japane«e Provieions by tbe wholesale. jy28 MURATA A CO. City - Carriage |«f’Q. Co. Biacksmith Shop 107 KING STREET D. BEJilī, M^na^e^ Btacksmith Work A.ND Carriage Repalring PAINTING : AXD : TRIMMFNG In all its Bra«ches, at Bed Rock Price«. Mutnal TeIepbone 382 Give ue a Call andjndge for your»elf. jy23 HoVen l(ee^Co. Tinsmitha and Dealers Crockery, GlAssware, d(C, WATER PIPE3 LAID A.VD PLlXBO»« .\EATLT executid No f 1 Nnuoo Sl, bel»e«a Elnf *ad Hot«i A««a Baildi of ]fi 'im Wiii fti9| Oliii SO S» XUCA5C 8TREET, HoVOLCLC 3*v£©rc33.aua.t Tsdlox A nne asaortm«nt of Americ«n, Eoglieb and Sc >tch Clotbs oo hand gni'd work aud a FlRST CI.ASS fit gu*ranteed Cl< th<seaec.dn k repaiml jj7lm SAM IEE HOP, No. 552 Kiog Straet, D«aler in C*li(ornia and Hawaiian FruiU and Vegetibles, Gosva Jelly, T©a and Gp»und Cofiee, Cigaraetc. jy»__ Momi Tei. j6o- 7. O- Box ij«. WING WO TAI k CO„ No- St,vaMV St»ext Ho.»acvu!, H. U, Commission Merchants t —luoana axx> Paai im nr—6eotrai Merchandi««. T1m MaailA Onn, CblacM aad J»p*oe«c CSwk«Tini«, M*tUage, Vw» o( «U kUda, Campbor»oo« Tnwk«, Ratton Ct*ir». A r.« A*ortnwnt oi I CbJice*{ o< Cl>ta<*e xod iapaaoae Tcaa of Latcrt Uapemuaaa VAW 0o«d*rtfpe4ij%iif mSmt$