Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 197, 28 August 1894 — The Electric Cars. [ARTICLE]

The Electric Cars.

The aelion of th« Coaocils in ; refustng to gr.«ut any fr.«nchiRc» bas T.rtQ»lly shelv«<l the pro- | I>u8«m1 electrīc roatl system of; whieli tbe A<ltrrii*er aod ia aaeli ao ardeot ehampion. We bave n«ver eut»*red into a d«bate on tbe ments «>f the trolley c.-trs, heeanae we b«ie «lways be»-n eon* . vioced th.it tbe neheme will never tnatenalize. lf the proS|«ects nhoohl be that Honolaio really wonid oe tbe vīctim <>f tbe m«v»st dangerons street car system existing, we shunid t*tke the trooble t*« g «ther Rt«tistics »liOwii!g tbe d«nger of tbe eleelne ro.nls Tbe Sfar. a while Hgo, liad a great deal to say, liecaiise. a trauiCMr nn <>ff the track nn<1 ‘ c.ipH>ze<l N.>bo.lv w<:s inj<«red ,«n<) fl«e iiCC.dont »«s prubably the firat «<ne whieh evei lms h«p-

sin«-e the coiupaiiy staite«l. If we get >« trulley cirs\>te«u, we will pn>bal»ly daily re»d iteius iike the tb)h>wiiig wh'Cb we h.«ve picked out at r.«ud<>m fru:u oue of o.ir exc)mnges. A fuil selection <>f a week's sin«ilar iteius wouhl fill fuiir pages iu our p iper. Let iis stick to P.iiue’* mules. H <z eton. Pa , Aog 10—Twen tv five peuple \vere i<ijuied. aome ser«o«tsly, in a eullieioa betw<*en two tr.«!)-y cars on tlie electric r<»H<l ne«r Oakd«le ye>terday. The ser>ously mj>ire<l «re: M<>t omim Sc-inhiii, A. W. On.ke. \\ A. Ward, D .vi<l Owens. M. Moiiahan au<! J.«nghler niul «in uukuown womau. Wheu tlie eol lisioa <N*cnred the c«rs were go ing st » lngli i«te uf spei-tl iu u|«p>'S te direction« The pas Kengers iu the eai b<»nnd for this e ty, whieh w.«s »«n «»|>eu oue, saw tlie »<ppr<»icl:illg daltger :>lld jnm|>ed, faliing iiiii«»Ug the r«»cks l’he c«rs eame togetlier with h terr«fic erasli, throwmg tl ose who iem>«iiied >n thein t<» the fl >or «ud spliuter>iig the iront uf the car» mt>> ktiidling. Not a siugle passeuger escaped injnry.

Therk is no doubt ex sting in the tninds <>f med eal men who have v sted the Ineane Asylum that Mr. Wm. Auld, thc present head keeper is the r ght mon f.»r the y<-s t on. All newspaper ineu who have v.s ted the plaee have al\vays commented fav.»rdb'y upou the ab l.ty sho\vn by the present meunihenh And as the presmt head-keeper has yet n«»t been asked to rvs gn n«>r h»s st«ted h s intention ti d« s> of h;s <»wn vo!iton it seems strange t« fi.id s> nnny appi.cations f»r a j)lace not vacant.

Ofkic.als bolding givemment «<flLes will have t > res gn ncxt Fr.d»y or tikat!»e oath of aliegiance t > the npuhlie. We do n«»t kimw w!iat the (»Iicy of the «d nin : strati«m is, hat we nre inclined t» bel;eve that it is gu ded by a s ( » r.t of emeiliaiion m'»ra e pecially t *\vards the Hawaiians We r«?c »mmend and adv’se ail Hawaiians h<*lding min«»r p«>s tions l.ke n’>tiries, public agents t» ac'\nuwledge, saperintendents of h«»sp ttls and asylums schoottjacher and «»thers t» tike the oatbs »f *aileg anea t»the g»verament \vhic?i now rules their e »untrv. Failure t» d» s > will m u«»t help Hawaii orthemse ves. The enrv»lllng as l«»val c t*ens C5 «r will benefit all. If the g«*ven>ment in spitd of sach a step oo the j\art of the present e»upl*»yecs sh»uld eaueel their e num ssions f«r p»litcii reas ms, the d»y w.ll e >me when t‘ie resuit of sach an injurious step will be felt by fche pr«.seut rultug cr»wd. Remember well, tbat tae me« h<»ld'ng o.u n s»ions «re n«»t serv.ng the tndiv.duais uf tbis partcalar g >verument but are the servaots of their country and of the naiioo. Artlior Wbit6 «lio i 9 mentioned ns one uf t!ie )Mdt>es j«r<j»«at »t « l»U MKS«ult cmm li.«s Uad Uis b<>nd-.men repa«IĪMted !»y the Attoraey - OeuemU depNrtca«*ot sad Uns b*«4i re*»n«sted