Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 199, 30 August 1894 — LADIES' COLUMN. [ARTICLE]


We b»T* msde th»s d:scoTenr tbst when the tKle o( tr»de sets ooe vav tb«re is alvays a eaoao £or it Tbst there are fev. a few. vho bnv of oa out of eomp'imeul. hut līke tho otasses. | they bav faere becaase they ean do the best. becaase the varietyr the qoalities aod prices vie here and defy cr ticisiD have uot an L'nparaileiieil B-irg-» in Hoose fail of Sm,vko Firc an i W«ier <*r Panto Priees —but u honse vfaere coo-is sre aoKl st a pmfit to os—a jnst and good valae to. lf yon wact n>ore than th.it, yoa vīii bave to fiud soine Plul«nthropic (.?) meeehani vho would not recogui.» his gooils nnder a seareh ligbt. Emioent pbysiciaus bei eve m *a frequent ch«nge of UNDEKEAK Notbiug iuore h«s such « docidfd bygieuic efffcl opon the aysteiu. or ahonkl be ch«nged aa oft«n. Notbing «dda to votir comfort more. or abouid doiuand such eloae inapectiun. We ilwavs tbought we carned «he BEST stock m Houolulu. and we kno» we h«ve never beeo undcisoKU Let us sbow you our Ml SL1N L*NDEK\\ EAK tbo trirrmings aloue are wortii looking «t. Sometime ago we 3(>oke abont P. 1). Corsets —smiles aml eomfort, etc. The dem«nd foc them c<iused us to run short of many sizes—furtuu«telv we had a l«rge order piaced direct with the faoton- iu Brussels. The goods are bere and your s ze is with them. j Taiking about Direct Iiuport- 1 .»tions,— it meaua the in»nuf«ctuiers profit aud our profir. No middle men—there is s«viiig for you, asvill be seeu in emhroidered aud scolloped HANDKKR-j CHIEFS from $200perdozeu np. FL \NNELETTES at 8 yaids for §1 00. B. F. EHLERS & C0.