Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 199, 30 August 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

MKETING NOTICE An iiaporUat ineetui£ oi the INTEKNATIONAL SCHCETZEN CLFB will held on FRIDAY EVENING, AUG 31. At tbe (ew weetiugs, th« Aeatiug *ccomodatiou was exbsosted In fatnre ex.tra cbftirs for mcmhers will be pronde<i Don't fftil to attend GEO C .vVENAUGH Seoret*rv f»ug 30-2ts<ll v TUTI REKD1ES WILL ri'RE < <'i.5U';'.ptlon. r*t»rrh. Crou{s a’.l Skin d MLSa>. Couut>l»inu, «n.l Plie« hi the wor*t furn; Hope» »re en:eruuned U»et U wlll cure Lenrosy. Thev i.re Vegetat»li‘ H»n»edle« acd csn 1 be a«ed bv the muel dellrate aad the younge*t chUd. _ , „ 0 v _ Pr<ces wi:Mn the reich <M au. by -Wr«. C, Q. G illou ay, tO» Kln( *treel, Wuy liloea. under H»rraonv i7dll, Honolulu AOMINISTRATION S N0TICE. THE UNDEKSIGNED h»ring been dnlv »ppolnted Admini<*tr»trix of the e»:»te of H. K. KaaiHUE (k), l»te of HaUula, Koh»l»,, l»l»nd oi H»waii, dece»»vd. Nollee is hereby givea to ail creditors ol the dece»aed to p-ēsent lheir cl»ims whethcr gecure<l br Mortgage or othtrwi«e duly »utbendWted »nd with the proper vouchers. lf »ny cxUt. to the under>igno<< wilhin sls moutbs from Ihe d»te hereof or they will be forever b»rred; and »11 persons iudebted to the said dece»eed are reqnest to mahe immedi»te paymt*nt al the Oflice of S. K. Ka-sb. Coruer of King aud Bethcl StreeU. U p*lairs. MKb NAOMl KAAIHLE, Admini*tratrix of ihe Est*te oi H K. Kaaihue, dece*sed. Honolulu. Augus 14 Is9S. 3w. 290 Ring Up 290 United Carriage Company, M. REIS i J.C. OUINN ! ‘ 1 ' i j l| i! .! t * - ! . ! I ; i\ Ii ; POITND MASTER S X0TICE. Koiioe īs bereby givea to all persons that there are «t the Qovernment Ponn.l al Ma kiki, two strayed bnlls. 1 hlaek bnll branded Ron right hind leg. 1 pinoo bull brand iudi«oribabl- <'U — ■— leg. Any pemon or persons owing tbeee bnlls are re<tne3ted to eome aud take the s»me on or before 12 o’eloek noen, 8ATURDAY, SEPT. 15. 1S94 J\M£3 KUKONA, Ponnd Mastcr. Makiki, \ng. 30. IS94. aag30-lwd!y POUND MASTEH’S X0TICE. SoOct is hereby given to all persi<:w lhat there &t the Qoveruinent Pound at Makiki, six strayed borsea. t red borse, white spot on ihe forchead. br»nded J K N oo thc kft hind leg, pootiy condition. , 1 whitc hor»e, brandetl A C on Ihe lcft hind Ieg. poorly v-oudition. 1 black horsē. branded Ton th« lelt hlnd l<g red horse, white sr<ot on tbc back, br»nd ed J R on thc ngbt hind leg. 1 white horse, braoJ lndiscribablc on fhe right htnd ieg, poorly condition. 1 crev horse. white -pe; on the forehead, threē wLiie fert, brand iudiscribable on tbe Iel\hind leg. Any pereon or persons owing the*c honea are rēoneated to enme and take ihe same on or beforc 12 o’eloek n >on SATUKDAY, gEPTEMBEK S. !S>i JAME8 KUKONA. P.<und Master. Makīki Aug. «891. a»g 27-lwdly THE COMMERCUL : | 8AL00N, > * - »I Harry KlEHME, Manager I , Cor. Nuaaa" & Ke-nl. a sts t Hoi ololn. U I. The Oi ly rtmg llo'ine in «» T wn L ! O. P. S. a Sp©<ii«litv. 1>H1KNGH1N LAGtit UIKrR rt A'.wav8 on J>r*ught 4 FOB 25 CENTjv i* . ...»•• v . . * of \Vinr*, Uqiwrs, * and Ci£ars e n A|»WaY8 ON HANI», iol tf