Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 199, 30 August 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

- ! Masquerade ! - Ball - «IVKK BT THK m loli'inaliooiil- StkoetM OLUB. OLD ARMORY HALL Bereunia Street, Monday, Sept. 3, ’94 0r3n<i Msrch onmmenoee profnj ptly at 9. m. Evcrv ;otaker rcmie«ted lo be !on time 90 as .'nake th!« the i m.akoh of the season. None bol tho9c nusked will bo ' «HowhI on ihe «niil after al. hnv<* uu'uaske»l. ! No n» sk njust be renioved until » prires sre fltvarded. Anyone doing 3<> vril! b? bjrred froru pr'2c corai>- ; etition J PH!Z^. Just read ihem over, aiid t>m,>rrow we will have them in M S. LEVY store wind >w, whieh wiil he naounced m thc (»apers, so you c.»n see lhttn as weU; and if you d>»;:t ?ay they are the moel, beāutifal and s f *rviceHble that were ever given—well, eall us —. You ueed m>t be ashatued to say that . you won theai -it the Schuctzcn ' Club lhey will b<* n credil to j you and to 11«. The b<f»t of all is, they vri 11 be awarded "f 1: r ar»d square. ! The judges are unknown ;»nd wii! unKe thcir dccision while 1 »11 i»re en in isq ie. At th«- 9*>und 1of a g m,g all wiil p!eas<- assemble at ihe platf. rm when the wioning partiea will t»e cai!td up c->sturae and t!ie }>r<awarded then aad tber* . The wiuner musl then uunr.'Rsk in the presence of all, so everyone o>n s«e who w : r.s I,ADIES' PR!ZES FlK8T rB*ZE. Best dr€ssed lady character; Aj I bandsome silk dress pattetn. Skco.nd Pkiie Secoud b 91 dres8td lady character: A superp aibum. Third PrI2E. Funniest femalc character; Ono Turkish pluau rug. 4 x ti feed. Sccon>l funniest lemale eh.ime tor: One ha!fdozen solid silver 1 spoons, Best 9ustained feraale charactcr: The fiuest pnir of shocs in town. i lf tliey dont fit, the judgea willlel! 1 you were t > get them changed. Best !‘hard times” lady costume: ; Fivepound bix purest Frenoh I candy. | j UENTLE\1EN”S PK1ZE 1 1 Fibst Prizk , ‘ Fin»*9t dre .erd unale ch.'ir:ictt-r- [ » I Panama hat. ■ i Second finest dr<*ssi d nmie eha- ; racter: One-ha f dozen eilver . i sp.x»ns. F Fui'nieatdres;ed male charactor: Bo\ [1<X)J finest Havana cigars. Second funnivst dresso<l maie 1 char cter: One eoai oil stove Best "Hard 'Pime»*’’ inale charac- j ter; One 6ed rng. ( Bes:des the aboTe uiautior.ed ! . i pr'z-s others will be given out, st the dis.>nt:0Q of the judges. for • worlhy represe;itations. , for 8,»le t S;niih‘B Shoe St.>reand the Klile IceCream 1 Parlos. .*. vcrybooy eon»*- aud i.ave ! the best time you e 't-r had on tho Island8. Everyb is invited • i fr>>m the !’re8ident dowu. Pr z<*s now on view at N S ‘ l.EVY'S Storc 75 F<>rt Str-et. ,ui2Sl wd J? ~ { ; To Let or Lense, » j A HOUSE on Eing street, of*t u> T. R. I Walker » premi*cs, p*rlor, d;n- : nlog room. »oJ three bedrcom«, be?ide* kiiehen. b*!hruom suble» «nd >11 modera eoneenienee*. iately oc»-apied br Mr. Deci«oa. ! Anetuo n«r Uid; rem moderue to re* ; poo*ībte p*r!r Ail»itt-»* ’ AH&AUA U FERNA>'DE2 | wt 'lS-tm J H. TRUSCHLER. Hoot & Shoemaker, lll F«rt &rtet K< p.ur;ug, ue»tlv ]) *ne nall' »ole »ud heol wilh peg* fl.OO. Uslf aole .»nJ heel sewing 11.50 i au7 iDXUIS7IUĪI0rS 50TJCt. THE UXDER?IGNED h«ria Z U*a duij ax>potmed Tempun»rj Adaioutraor of ihe E*Mt« of Jo*cru U>aao Pklo. 1k) Ute oi Paawe. Honoiala, Ooha. deeeo*ed i Nouee i« kertjy giT«s to %U ered deceo«««l to pre*eat ’.6eir cbum» sceored b) V.»rtj«Ke, or oiher«i» •Btbei«dicat<*d *oJ «Uh lbe proper »< U «oy exi*t to thc uodcrwrr»ed J»il momh* lront rfc« befeoTor foreTc.- barred; ud it! penm» imUi ihe uid deccM«t *re reqa«M to m »<ediate p«ymcm >! tfac OiHee oi K« -n. C«tracr o# Kia« «od Bcth«l Up-*uir« , 3. K. K Te«porary Admiei»tretor of the E Joaebta Heoao Peie. (k) d«eeued Honoinlo. iwi 1«, !fl!M *n