Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 199, 30 August 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

HAWAH HOiop % r« imnn) Kverv A.t1ern.oi KXrEPT «IMT BV THt Holoinm Publishia| At K tng St. (Thotna.>< !»!«< Hooolulo, H. 1 :TJSSCSIP7!K?. per UaniL a rtx> p*per i« <Wir«md bj Outm«m jvd wu «abarth 8ineUCoaiMf *t Ute N*wn »nd it •b* (> L>9blMXUioO. Eohuno Nohhie. - - l P. M. RQONEY. - - Ma X()TICE. Aii Huiuoom (xNamuntcftUona »ho •ddiMMd to P M. BOOKEY t alo. U. I. < v>tiMpoiiai<ooe »n<l Umuuauieaui n Uieauon nhonkl be addrtwa*d 10 tbe ilnwaii Uoioiuna. No nonoe will l w «ot *aouyiaoUh roinmaaic*tionN. BiiBiues8 C'ai'el* VOLNEY V. A8HKORT Attomey aud Oouuaeloi n( Olhee, bitu of the 01(1 lk-tl West Coruer of King uul li< StreetH. Jj A. F. PETEltSON. ATTOHNEI AT LAW. 1 >ttoe; II» Ka*baiu*nn '*reut, Hoi HnwaiUu I«land'. OHAULEA CREIGHTCN ATTORNET AT L.AW. Ofice; m Kaaliuuiuuu Htr«Wt. Uoi UaWaiiaii l*l»indh. paul neumann. ĀTTl»RSKY AT LAV ‘H4 Ueroh»ut Street, Hono Mutual Tolephone 41ō. CLARENCE W. A8HF0I ATT0RHEY AND eOUNHELLOl LAW. * «>ld t'«nitol Uuildinu, \Hoi Haie), adJoiung Po»t Offio»\ ■< Uonoinln. A. BOSA, attoknev at law, No. 15 RaiihumauuSt., Houo Hawaii»n Islands. H. F. BERTELMANN OONTBACTOR ANH BCILU King St.. Celt Telephoue F. H EEDWARl), * * AX>KTKA<TX)K »w lil'U '»E No. ’iOli Kmg Stret*t, Hono iiawaiian lslauds. WILLIA.M KOSTEU. ATORNKT-AT LAW * NOTAKT Pl Houolulu. H I.. KnAhumHnu Street. j A. G. eOKKKA. AT LAW.Jft ;tOT M*rcb\nt Strect. Il«w>i __ j>2 ‘_ DIVII) OiVTOV Agent to Tdko \ckuowledgu WiU Atteud t-i M;magoiueu( Sal« of Pro)>erty—Collecti< All lt» Braoohes Olhee > Merchaut Strwt; Muliul phoue 380i A. S. MEDElROS A C