Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 199, 30 August 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

MACFARLANE A CO. Oeaien in Wme* nn>1 Sfnrit KMhamuio S!»«. Hoaolnln. H E McINTYRE A BRO.. Oi:"cruv Pm» Stobe \ B\kert Corner of Kmp nn>i Fort Sk, Honolnli 4, PU1LL1P8. PRaCT1CAJ. PLrvjBER. 0*8.FITTEI •oppeb-«iiith. Hoone and Ship Job Unrl Promptly Execnted. No. T1 Kinp Stre«t. Honolnln I)k MeLENNAN, Fort Street. nhove Hotel. Mulual TeIephon»* ftH2. t‘>»r ollh'e 287 lor re.-idence. jy28 i :ix (’ upwE. Slfpi an<l Oinamenta< Pni)iter. M.mufacti»re <>f Liquī<i S!atmg, '520 Kmg Slrec-t. angl LEWIS 4. LEVEY. Rt»al Est;ito and Oeneml Anctioneer. ’onierJFort «u>I Queco Street*, Honolulo Pononal attonti>>n given to of Furnitnre, lleal Est»te. Stook and Oenenu Merchandise. ¥Intuai T<-let>houe i‘tS K. L()8K, Notai’v Pnhlie. CnUrrtnr aml Gcncral Rīn»irte** Agevt. Patentce of Losl's Ohkmio.u fnT r~mrīīyimi Cane Jnice. Snh-Agenl fnr several r.J the Best FIRE IXSURA.\CE C0S. Mntn»l Tel«|>tione a. P. O. Hov <WS. Merchant «treet, Honoluln. “FAT BOY." BAY 8AL00N I l’. McINFRW, I'kopkiktor, Fine Liquors. Wines and Beer, ('oknwi ltcrnu. avd Hotkl St». Honolulu Carriage Manufaetory āSE*& £a> W W \VRIGHT. P*or»iKTOH. Succes»or to O. \Ve*t). I'aKK Ai.E BLILDINU vsd KEPAlKIN'i V,’ All Ordem fr»m ih>- Other Istaud' in lh« i:»rri»C' Buildine. ThnuniDC »nd Paiutint! l.ine «ill Mect »ith Prorapt Attention Black-.milhine in AU It< Various Hnuiehe? IVuic P O. R>>\ 341. Noo. 14S and !:>• Fort Strc r jyp» I_v W.S. LUCE W'iiie mid Merchant ('nmpMl Fire-}rroof Block. MERCHANTST. HONOLLM.l’ l'Hl\HSK l'«RRI««E ('OMPA.W. ,sT > Uotii Tn.KrHo.NKllaek St«nd Corner King am Manuakea Macks al Al H>*ur>!. j y27 Anchor-:-Saloon ! Ex “AUSTRALIA,” I Am»ther lnvoice of the Work Honovned FREOERiCKSBURG | UGER BEED , On dr«ught aikI by the keg. Also. «s a Specialty. 1 SklALL FRESH CAUFORNh OYSTERS, FOH OOOICrAII> mayl 3ms