Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 199, 30 August 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Club Stabies l Company. | $. F. Manager Livery and Feed Stables. *FORT STREET, betwcen Hotcl -uul Beretanid Streets, * Honolulu. ! Lt«'th Tflet>houea 47T jy2;5 lui Long Branch r 8AT»maEstab!ishment. Thi» Kirsl-Chitw Bathiug Heeort has been eularge<l ao<l is now open 1 to the puhlie. It is the beat piaee ou the t<> enjoy a Butb. and thcre no better olaee lo lay off. Speoial uccnmaio<latiun9 for Ladiea. Tratncar9 puss the d<»ur erery half hour, and on Saturdaya aod 8undnys every fifteen uunuiee. C. J. 8HERWOOD, |vJl Pr prietor. KOA BKD9, fitted with & \VIRE MATTRESS. Any ?ire mnde to order. Buy the BED of the FL*TL’RE, of Meear8. T. II. Davie« ife Co. Lt’d., Hupp A' Co.. William.-? Hro»., I. X. L, Ordway <k Porter, ■ or of the Maker W0VĒN WIRE BAILEY , Hot*-l Street ilonolulu, (next door t> Horn’s Stcano Bak»ry.) aug 14-lm Capt. Wm. Davies, Rigs:er, Stevedore and \\ r recker. £sTUUTEB AKD CO.NTHJkCr8 ON VU. KI.VDS OF WOKK Steairier Waim malo will run re(jiilar «o Waianae, Waialua and Way >ig lounue «t o(9e* <>f J, S. Kaku or*r Spm-r«r» T*ak. feb l 4 -a. Kmpii*e Saloon, OUH. i ionumi ?ine Wiiies, Liquors. Bee? ALW.\g on h.\xd. ‘ ora«r Nuuaaa »na Uol*) Stt«*U H-il T*fepUuo* 341 Po« OIm Bot 10C F0R SALE - RENT. I Pi>r. >, l Orjfm and Sewing Miehino «n<|uir« af n. w. ai aeiM Berebmia Stseet. Pioneer Shirt Factory CSTABU6HEI> A. M MELLI9. Propn*tor, iW F»*rt ?r. 'Fp-UiM >l..rv>lala Oomim.