Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 199, 30 August 1894 — A Japanese View. [ARTICLE]

A Japanese View.

Sin Fr.m«-ivc *, A p 21. Ma» Kur ui» »f J « au is koepiog • very keeu eye on tbe newpaper «ii.sp.-ito es from Seoul, Y«»koba«o i aud Loiulou He sa»d last night tli 1 1 he could u«»t believe «i 11 of tliein »vore c»r rect, f<»r here w«s uu understanding l»etween hiuiself uud his govern*uent that wheu there w«s senons fighting he sh-»uld be appraised at oueo “ f have c«»nseq«ientlv been expectiug cablegraan,‘’ ba s«id, * but siuce mv arrival 1 hava not received one C 'usul Chinda has not receiv.-d anv, eitber. In coouection with this l w«nt to c >rnhut an imprea-ion prevalent with s«»me of the American people th it I am bere t • raise a lom. an«l p.»saibly, to get \merican troops aud «>fficera My co*niug is in no w »y in refer on«je tcr-the war. We are in ueed «>f no guus. money or meu. U’e have n gt ind ng anny ««f 80 000 men witli reserves sufficient to make 200,000. «11 are well trame«i. Even iu'Japan wt»-hHveftr ui«>re applie «tions for plaeea to fight tlian we req«»ire. Our peo ple are anxious t<» volunteer, but we d«» u«»t ueed them The voli;nteers wcitld be iu the way of the ti*ained troopa Our pe<«p!e, loo, aie «tf roig m«>ney to the g<»verumeiit. b««t we do uot need it and are stea«lil\ refus ug it. “ Siace my arnvai a mimber of Japane-e and others have otf«-red their services. but I hnve t-xplained the ren) couditiou and ei»«leav red t«» disc<nir<g<» ihem. B- s des the 200 000 trained meo we have forty - seveu warsh ps We are thu» well equipped *• 1 thmk the p«»l»cy <>f Chiua is (o niove sl«*wly. but it is ad s sever*d, disii»eiub«-r< d coantrv, aud even time wiil nvail it uothing. The |»eop]e are n t patri«-tic lt is a T «rtar«lvnasty, aud liiey «lo uot c.*re īf the eonnlr\ doea g«» tu pieces. Why. even in 1868, when the Frei»ch nud E;igl»sb s««ught to opeu up C «ut«»n, tiie Ch uese would uot stnnd b\' Cbiua. lt is the s-.uae way ail over that couutry. Li. Buug Cbnng caunot bold tbe Chiuese togelber.