Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 200, 31 August 1894 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

Gsols3E Bocgbteiling tu *rre«ted tbe o(ber dav on « charge of illieil Iiqoor s«lling. While •t the statioo boose, be sorrendered all tbe eoin in bis jx>ssesSioo. He was acquitted by tbe jsdge, aud be demauded from tbe polioe antborities tbe mon«y whieh bad been Uken from bis peraon. Tbe fo!l amoonl bas uot keen restored to bim. A certain }«roeotBge bas been kept by tbe puliee oi<ptaio (senior>. Ia tbi* • EepuOiiean way tu wLieh *Pfetrioht