Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 201, 1 September 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Club % Stables ! Company, F. ({i'aham, Manager Livery and Feed Stables. FORT STREET, heiween Hotel and Beretania Streets, Honolulu. Both Telephonea 477 jv23 Im i Long Branch -8ATHi«G-: Establishment. 'Ihia Firsl-Clas3 Bathing ReSort haa been enlarged and ie now open to the puhlie, It 5s the best plaoe on the islands to enjoy a Bath, and there is no better plaee to lay off. Special acoommodationa for Ladies. Tramcars pass the door every half hour, and on Saturdays and Sundays every fifteen miuutes. C. J. SHER\VOOD, jy24 Proprietor. Woven Wire Mattresses Now, for the first time manufactured right here in Honolula. By the only man outside of the United Kingdom, who uses WIRE, whieh will not RUST; he having secured exclusive rights to use the aame, PATRONiZE HOME INDUSTRY is a hackneyed phrase. But if you want to buiid up a Nation, industries must be fostered. Keep your money iu your own islands, and buy a Non-Corrosive Solld Comfoit Spring Bed. made in Honolulu, whieh will m t SAG or RUST, or, A Perfection Cot, Child'» Crxb, Ver*nd»h Ch»ir, Lonnge, Three Qnarters 3ingle and Pull āUe, Folding Wire Bcds. ARTICLES saitable to your climate; PRICES soitable to the timc«, as yop find Ihem. For the

Best BED in the Market. ] i I r©ooimnend thē HARTFURD * \VEAVE SPRING BED, Treble ; \Vire all tbrqogh, \VOYEN as flne as cloth. Solid 4 ineh. Maple fratnes, Malleahle Castings, Warranted in every particular. Never yet failed to give «atisfaction. I offer tbeee gooda to the puhlie w';th confidence, having made them for years You ean now get your very Large KOA BKDS, fitted wilh a WIKE MATTB£SS. Any ai*e made to ordw. jĒ0T" Buv the BED of tbe FL’Tl'RE, of Meeurs. T. H. Davie8 k Co. Lt’<L, Hopp & Co-, Williama Bros., I. X L, Ordway 4 Porter, oy of *b^Maker W0VEN WIRE BAILEY. ol H>tel 8teeet, Honolniu, (n«xt Ojdoor to Hom'a Steam Bakery.) i ang Urlm