Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 201, 1 September 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

BRUCE CARTWRIGHT UosīnM« of a Fī-lnciarr N«tnre Tr*ns*ctc<5. Prompt a:tentk«n givec to the man*gement of EnUtes, G">ari!attship», Trnsts, etc., «tc., etc. OJSom, : C&.i*>'rigkt Building, V!ercliaut Stn*L Hoaolnla H. MAY & Co., Tea Dealers, Coffee Roasters AM) Provision Merchants 98 Fort Street, - Honolaln Familios, Pl!»utations aud Ships supplied with ehoicest F'uropcan & American Groce.ries California Produce by Every Steamer. \Ierchaiit ii]xchan"e Corner King aua Nuuanu Streets. S. I. SHA\V....Proprietor. Tbe Finest se!ection of LIQUORS aml DEKR, uolil anywhere in tbe town. First-class attendance. Call and judge foryonrself. no 113—tf. LEWIS & C0. Wholesalc snd Retaii Gro AN’D PKOVlSION DBALERS. FRESR CALIFORNIA 8ALM0N ONICE By Every 8au Prancisco Steamer Salt Salmon ix Baruels A SPECIALTy, in Fort St., Honolulu. Tel. 240, P O. Box 297. CALIFORNIA Wine Company 407 FORT STREET, Mcīuerny Block. JOBBERS 0F WINE8, and SPIRITS KENGLUN, PH0T0GRAPHER,! Nuuj.hu and Panahi Streeta. CabinetS; $3.50 Per Dozen, “ 2.00 Per 1-2 Dozen, SiI0 $5,50 Per Dozen, “ 3,50 Per l-$ Do*en. Dry Qck>1s and Chinese Silks. iT$ plaiional ĪPon WopI^ Stkeet, £etween Alakea «fe Bichard Sta. - * THE UXDEKSIGXED are prepared to mak« all kimi* of Iroa Brws, Broaig, Zinc, Tin and L«ad Ab» Oeaenal Kep*ir Sbv>p lor Steam Eagic«e, Ki» Uiīlo, Com Milk. W»ter Wbedb&, \Viad MilK ete. | Maehine» lor th« (TUantag cf Co5«e, Cwtor OOa, Bmbs, iUmie, 81**!, ; Piaakpple Lmrea * oUter Piheooa PUats Aad P*per S?ock I Abo Maehiom for Extracting SUrch fro» Iho Mk&ioe, Anow Koot, «te. QT AU Ordaa pnK»ptlj attend«>i to. * 1 WHITE, ritman (\ QO.