Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 201, 1 September 1894 — EVIL RESULTS. [ARTICLE]


Tbe resiguation of the gUHrds at tbe Iuhhup Asylum last uigbt, is oue of tbe evil rt>sults of tbe j foo!isb j»olicy of Mr. Basb. If 1 Le bad eome oot openly and ' trutbfolly and told tbe Hawaiiane tbat tbe question of the Queen’s restoration tbrough the agency* of tbe United States was fiually settled in favor of tbe Hawaiian republic. tbe twelve men wbo now fiud tbomselves without work or substantial means of existence would bavo realized the foolisbenesg of tbe step iaken and would bave continued in drawiug iboir comfortable salaries. Snperintendent Auld whoee aen’ieea at tbe Asylum bave beon very gratifying ehooaoil; to resign ratber tban taking tbe oatb totbe republic. Mr. Auld is a man of iudepomlent nieaus and tbe office held by bim was not of vital im)X>rtance to bim. Not so witb tbe guurds. Tbey will now bave to bustle for work, and work is acarco or tbey will bave to live on tboir frieuds, und living is pretty bard at present One of tbe guards was soen in regard to bis resiguatiou and be gave as bis reason tbat Basb’s paper bad said tbat in two weeks Mr. Cleveland wouId restore tbe Queen of Hawaii! lt is now to be boped tbat tbe gentlemon who just bave retnrned from W asbington will publisb a statemeut over tbeir signatures in tbe Hawaiiau papers aud tell tbe natives exactly bow tbe situation ia. lt is naturally for auybody to believe iu statements, whieh correspond aud agree witb tbe wisbcs of tbe indiridual. For that reason tbe natives will eoulinue to believe in American interfereuce in our domestio atfnirs as long as Busb upbolds ! tbo false tboorv. and tbe Queou aud ber Commissionera do notbing to disabuse tbeir minds Tbe game is not pUyed out br a long •igbt, bat let us play witb our cards on tbe table and not witb a false deck.

THEcbapterof tbe “bloe lawa” pobli«bed in to dar*s issue is worthy of perasal. Mr. Jndd vbo is tbe snpposed antbor of the draconic lavs vas evidenily a voman-rigLls-apo6tle. The | lavs at least give a vife tbe rigbt \ to hare “Bometbing to say” lf| bnbby sbould be fonnd spooning in other qnarters. We nerer knev before tbat it vaa necessary to dcfioe that rigbt by lav.

Mii. W. X. Arv&tronc i« now gacotted aa editor of Ihe Adverti*er. We hope that our relations vith oor esteemed contemponnry under iU ae» m&aagement will be of ae pleaeani a natnre aa haa heratofore been the ca»e. We ahali miae Mr. Castle whoae brilliaucy aad peonli«r cra&kinees alwaya hare had oox admiration aad we wiah him a heartjr bon anda aincer« au