Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 201, 1 September 1894 — PERSONAL. [ARTICLE]


r; i j Miss Helen Parker who bas been nnwell for several weeka ia reported as improviug by to day J 9 ‘ mail. Mrs. Samael Parker will ’ remam witU her dHOghter at Ma- ; na and probably retcro to town in the next steamer. 1 Mr. Q. K. Wilder bas resigned his offioe a« depaly attorney-gen-eni *nd will oiake bis home in the foture in Hiio where be will practice law. His nameiooa friends in Honolalu wish him Qod - speed and all possible saccess. Colonel W. H. Coroweil is in ; town. Mr. V. V. Asbford retarned og the Kiaau. «k v * Tbe Daria divoree eaae was , baard br Jodge Wbitiog to-4sj. I Mn. Daris secored her dirorca. Mr. Carl Widemanu will probably retaro to Honolalu from Hawaii ou iha nszt Kiaau. * Jadg« Widea«a» ia in iow*. '