Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 201, 3 September 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

PUEinEI) WA'l'EK. y USED BY TUE CONSOUDATrD • ___ __ JfSODA WATER WORKS COMPAXY —Limited. Tl2.e37" l T^LXTLisll. tla.e T£iro'OLg';b.o-OLt tiio City: rSCEPTIN«A ONX DP-LLrs as Cr3rstaJL £T XK"Sr IT. *CS aug7 HOLLISTER & CO. Importers, Wholesale aiul Rot.iil Dealerslin Pine CigT3.xs, Srxxoioimg'*To'baooo, am* Srjo.ols:ers L^-rticles-Agents for the Celebraied o. e. D. pirics, MADE IN PARI9. •ug7 Benson, Smith & Co., The Corner DRUG ST0RE Pnre Drugs, Pine Perfumes, Prompt _A.tt©ntion, Low Prices Corner FoiTr & Hotel Sts. aul r (r * £T TvT. fS. LI_T:T7"T, Will on AUGUST lst KemoN-e/win his present on Uotol, street, to the plaee former!v oeeunieel by Benson, >rnith A Co., on Fort street. After l get settled it will bo to your advantage to note the prices, etc., that will appear in this eolumn.

I Capt. Wm. Davles, Steveclore and Wreckt‘.r. ESiniATES AND C«iN PRA<T3 ON ALL KINDS 0F WORK. Steamer Waimanalo wili run repular to Waianae, Waialua aml Way Landing. 9 1 1 ' lnqnire at oOw of J. S. Wauiui orer | i Spreckel s Bank J ! fei> Empiro Saloon, JAMES OLDS, Paop&iooK: pine Wir t es, Liqucrs. 3ee? ALWA3 ON HAND, Corner Nnuaau aod HvUl StreeU. B«U Tek»phoae 241. Poat Offic« Box 107 \ F0R SALE - RENT. 1 Piano, 1 Orgxn and S;wing Maeaine inquire of a. p. inem Beretania Street. TUTI REH£D1ES. WILL (( KE Eh*uni«t>n»,; Citajr5. Cro r jp. «II ) pl ini». ud lt« tu U>e w.>r-: h>m. Kope» »re cnteruined tSuit It «111 e«rc Tbej »re Te(tl«hi« ■<‘medle« ud e»u be u»ol by tbe _u«*t «cūc»ur «Q<1 u>« yuua«e»’. d#i Pr «*» wlUiia the rv«:b ol «??, 3c4d b« H r». r. q. C«ilow«,, IM &!■< «lrfd, VV»r H'mkl, ttoJer H«nuocT H*!:. J9i*oolutn jS©w Japan lVIarket. 367 Mauwiiea Strrtt . Fresh Meat ou lee 4 Pound 25Cts. Scocsi, Mana«er. { augl

MAOHINE MADE POI! FACTORY, : : KAMHl. jT Taro Pianla, Fresh Tops and Raw Taro at all times. Ring Up Muluai Te!epbone 577. Bell 345. W. L. \MLCOX, j>-25 Manager. JJHCK ftT71.\D. CORM K 0 V N’uuanu ar.d Bcretania Streets. 561 /—Both 561 GOOD, RELIABLE axd • jy27 tf C1VIL DRIVERS. Removal ! ___ * —^ Hailaee & &>, — elave moved to Morgan’s - Auction - Rooms for » «hort timc. We imilil *«ilisg Departure Bay COAL CHABCOAL, . ALGEROb.\ #nd KINDL1XG WOOD ■ ta xay qoacti!Y. TdephojMa -ll I jw> Ploneer Shlrt Factory EdTABLiiUA’D IS87. A. M. M£LLIS, m T<iīt 81., auooiaia, xVv*ain.- (Jwo4 iO’