Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 201, 3 September 1894 — "RE-INCARNATION" [ARTICLE]


Inpmnn 1 «luw by Mr». Tkirda tc Th*-o»<*phic*l Hall Pn« pth «*n »t'«i * Iwi siuij*It aa beU--re Mr«. Thir>i» upeot-d Ler iddn>M> b? r>-a<ting a aeleeliou frx>m Wr>n!swortLV “lufimalion» of Itn • mortalitj,” »b»rb indint<d the poetV IwIh*! iii rhe n*inrn lo !if»- «*f tbe »>ul M*-ib«*u »tated ihal r«* • inoamat iou «ae i>« new d<«-t rn.«- >•( a new«e«t. The«4u>|»hv ba« i*- •-<■ b«»-l <*f tLe >>!il»»t «»f «pirituat tn»tb—tb*> jmm-irtality of tbe aoul The 5an»krit. the oldest lil*-ra(un, sp« k<* of it; tbe aucieot Etf vptiati«, Ihe Cbald»*«n?, lbe Per--iau«, tbe itHl)v*-u<-s of Pem and Meti«-o beheved it. Tb«* L>ruid» tau»’ht )t ie Eoelai..i ap totbeiotr<ducti< D of Rnman civil : zation. It wa.*- ao» till af;er tl.e G b ce)itury »bat ■•* iu< ati»atioo «u 6i aliy «*x- , pu'fitfd fr>>m tbe duotri<»e of the < a Lurch. whieh hy lhis a>-l lo-t tLk«*y to trutb. By aimile* of life iu wjnter and «pnng. Mra. Tbinl.« show1 ed Ler eoneepl of tbe eternity of Iife. Tbe liviog thinking bei»>g i» 1 born again aod again many. tnany ; times. Thi» wa» i!lu»tratēd from j Sir Edwio Arnold’s lrans!atioa of I tbe 6bagavadgbita, by tbe castiog j off of old elolne* on goiog to sleep aud tbe putting on of new one» on awakening. We are uot born again with tbe same bodies It is the miud alooe whieh re-incarnste». Tbe | j tbinking man, the essential whieh oome» from God. is immortal. Tbe i physical peraonaIity is not. Karma is the eompaoion doclrine to re-iccarnat'on. It means aeiion, | whieh in the Oriental idea includee reaction. It is ihe law of cause . and effect —the law of ethical causation. A» tbe Bible says, “whatever ! a man sow» that »h&ll be reap.’’ ] Every tbougbt is an aei oa the; ment'al plano Every feeliog is an i act on the moral plane. As we go |on iiving, feeling, thiuking, Karma adjuste and preeerres the halanee in nalure. Tberc is no ehauue ia uature. Even good produccs good, evcry sin bring« its ioeritable evil coDsequence. That is Karms. So forall Ihe 18,0U0,000 of yoars that Theo»ophy teacbes mao has been on the eartb, eaeh incarnatiou of the soul has goue on growing good with good act» and being punisbed for its previpus evd ones. To prove that you re-iocarQat is impossible. Knowledge only eomea from persona! realization. We eān only offer evidences. One of the stronge»t personal testimonies to Mrs. j Thirds was the testimooy of cbildh<>od to its remembrance of previous j ezistea£e. This is because the child’s I tx>dy is more sensitive to tbe higher I and inner vibratioa*. Mrs. Thirds had met some adults who were seusitive and rememl»ered previous eiislenee. After an appeal coucbcd in well-chosen phraseology to the effecta of the doctrine# of re-incarna-tion and Karma, Mrs. Thirds ciosed amidst rounds of hearty applause.