Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 202, 4 September 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

THOS. ET^13SEY 208 Merchant 8treet, Uonolulu New Store, new Jewelry Gold, Silver and Diamond. Jewe!ry Manufacture to order. Watclies cleaued and repaired in and mspect. c je=J se4-tf. NOTICE ■ All peeeone are hereby notified and cautioned that anyone caught shootin3 game oi any de8cription or trespassing on any of the lands belongmg to the undersigned on this Islaud, will be promptly prosecuted. [Signed], J. I. DOWSETT. Honolulu, Aug. 25,1894- lw-d POUND MASTEK’S NOTICE Xotice is hereby given to all persons that there are it the t»overament PounJ at Makiki, one $tnyed m«ze, «nd 4 cattles. 1 red mare, white spot on the (orehead, brand indiacnbabie on Ihe right hind Jog, (ore feet »re sfaod. 1 h’aek oow. big wfaite spot on tfae belly, b»nd indi.scribable on leg. 1 pineo oow, brand .ndiscribable<l I red eow, white spot on tfae bclly, anJ bnmded H on kft faind leg. 1 calf, h»ving not branded. Any penon or penona owning theae are reqnested to eome and take tbe same on or before 12 o’eioek ooon, SATUBDAT, 8EPT. 15. 1SM. JAM£S KUKONA, Ponnd Uaster. Makiki, Sept. 1, 1SM. gept. 1-lw. I ! 1 1 J ) 1 r h < 1 i ! t £ l S i < I PANĪHEON S*LOON, FORT AXD HOTEL ST8. Heaiaaartgrs &tsrjris8 Brto( Cj. Largest Conaignment of Beer that ever arrived here, now on Dranght* J. DODD, Prop'r Pioneer Shlrt Factory' ZSTABUSSED 1S87. A. M. MELLI8. Propxietor, 09 Fort SL, Ueoolnln, (UpeUio) Good Rt E