Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 202, 4 September 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

The White House! 118 N'uuanu Avenue, HONOLULU. HAWAIIAN ISLANDS \ Fii$-cla$ [lou^a IX EVERY RESFECT. Rooins from $1-50 to $3.00 per Wcet. or 50c. per Day. PAUL LEMKE, PROPRIATOR. Bell TeIephone 132. aug 22 POUXD MASTER’S NOTICE. Notice is berebr girea lo oll persoas tluit there are at the Uorerniuent l’uan.l at M.ikiki, six straye»l Uomea. 1 reU hor*e, whlto »pot on thc forebead, brandeJ J K N ou Uie left hiud Uu, poorly eomlUion. 1 whfte horse, bran<]ed A C on Ihe left hind lee, poorir eondition. 1 hlaek borsē, braoded Tou tbe Uit hind 1 red horsc, whlle spot on th« haek, bnnded J R on the nsht hlnd kx 1 «hile hor»e, brand indl->cribable on the ri*ht hlwl poor!y condition 1 grer bor»e, wklte spot on th.' foreiiead, tbree whlte leet, brand lndUcribable oo the left hind l«g. Any person or persons owlng tlie*e hunea are reouested to eume and take the nnu on or befoifc 12 o'eknk noon 3ATL‘KDAY. 5jEITEMBER i, ! M1 JAMES KLKONA, Ponmi Master. Makiki, Aug. 27. 18W. aug 27-lwdly NOTICE TO ViālcB, Pienie Parties, L&aas —A.\D—GENERAL PUBLIC I At Smith'9 Bcs asd Liverv Stable, Kino Stbket. [AJjoising Metropolitan Meat Market.] I» tbe Cheapeat PUee in Town yon ean aet Bnacea t Wagoneoes, Boggiet aad 8aJ«\le Honea. I» wili p«y yon to eall acJ aae helow yon try ekewhere. Mulaai Telephone 408 angl-tf 290 Ring Up 290 United Oarriage Company, M. REIS i J.C.OUINN POUND MASTER’S NOTICE. Notioe ia herebr given to ail panon* that ara at the Gov«minent Ponnd ct Matwo *trayed ba!k J hlaek hull Kon right hiad ieg. 1 jāaco hall ou Lk. Any penon ur panona owng iheae bolis » muneated to eome atid take the wune on w befo» 12 o'oloek aoon, SATLKiMY I SBPT. 15, lfe9t. JAME8 KUKONA. PounJ Makiki, Aug. 30, l$0t. ang 30-li