Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 202, 4 September 1894 — THE SCHEUTZEN MASQUE. [ARTICLE]


A Large Attendance and Oeneral Oood Time. ( Brigbt ligbts were ffxshing ia the Beretania street Armory Iast evenfng, and a large and a merry crowd of maskers were in attendanee at tbe initial had ma9que of tbe noted Sbentzen Club Tbe well advertised and looked forward to event was in fnll swinp by 9 o’eloek at whieh hour, to tbe mnsic of Berger’s orcbestra tbe grand marcb was commenced, sbowing over eighty masket1 coup1es in tbe line. As - tbe long procession passed in re view, tbere could be seen the Prince of Pru.ssia, with a demoiaeile of La Belle France, tbe Jemure Bo-Peep witb a noted ! sbeep stealer from Ireland, Unele | Sam in compauy witb a fair(sex) Hawaiian, Hard Times eheek by j jowl witb a pretty FIower Girl, and Dick Deadeye so mildly | mannered as to walk witb and talk to a Brieklayer. And tben tbere wero clowns and barle | quins, but no Colombiues; bakers ! and oowbo3*3, Topseys aud jockeyg, peauut-venders and clotbes pin carriers and a misceli laueous mixture of otber indc- | srrable cbaracters whieh fol!owed iu tbe wake of a lively : Enterprise Beer'carrier. Tbe mazes of the raarch were successfully carried out uuder tbe guidance of C «ptaiu Karl Klem- 1 me, Cbarlos Lambert, Harry Klemme, Geurge Cavanaugb nud otber (unknown) members cf tbe committee of arrangements, and from its iueepiiou to close everybody was placed in positiou to enjoy tberaselves b\’ tbe ardent effbrts of members of tbe ! Scbeutzen Club. The dances were tweuty in number tbe list being , iuterrupted a little before mid* nigbt by an invitation to supper, | indnlgence iu wbicb sbowed tbe bospitality of tbe bosts. At 10:30 o’eloek unmaskiug and distribution of prizes occurred aud was consu.nraated araid many surprises, tnucb laugbter and continuous applause. Thejudges 1 tried to be impartial and no member of tbe Club received a prize, evenif mueh doserving,and whieh decision reflects credit ou tbo organization. Doriug tbe distribution of prizes ex-Minister S. Parker, Col. C. A. Speckels, ex-Col. Soper, MajorPratt, Jobn Ricbardson and many otber pro- i I minent person present. Following is a list of tbe prize-winners: Best dressed ladycbaracter: A handsomo silk dress pattern. i Won by Miss Fetter, as a flower ! gir l' Secoud best dressed lad3’ cbar- \ acter: A fine album. Won by , Chailes Murray,asHawaii. [Dressed as a woman]. , Funniest female character; A. Turkish plusb rag. Won by Miss Ella Banning, as a uative girl. Second funniest female cbaracter: One - balf dozen solid I silver spoons. Won by Miss , Schafer, as Tops3’. Best sustained female character; A fine pair of sboes. Won by Miss Galloway, as a flower ; Best “haiA times” lady cos- j ; tnme: Five-pound box of French ; candy. Won Miss Schafer. Finest dressed male charater: | Pauama bat. Won by M. Ferj reira as Lonis XIV. Second finest dressed male character; One-haH dozen silver ; 1 spoous. Won by Mannel Ross. Fanniest dressed male cbaracter: Box of T00 Havana cigais. I Won by Frank Godfrey as a ; scarecrow. Second fanniest dressed male cbaracter: A eoal olive-stove. Won by A. Schafer as a frog. Best "Hard Times” male character: A bed bug. Won by I Otto Ladloff. Special prizes. Minstrel Troope. consisting of J. A. Thompaon, Henry Yierra, John Wright, J. Wiikinson,T. Jackson, P. Sylra and Anione Lavrence.