Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 202, 4 September 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

CRITERION SALOON, WeilandExtra-Pak L.ager Heer 2 Schooners for 25 Ct3. jrl4 L. H. I>EE Prop'r PIONEEK Steam CANDY Factory. B4KERV and Ice Cream Paiiors! OR 1863 II 1894 £iT PHACTICAL CONFEC TIONEH and ORNAMENTER In all brauehes of ihe Imnineea on these ulande. Amorican, German and French PASTKIES Made to Ordcr. BIRTH-DAY AND WEDDING GAKES Made of the Very B»-st Material and at KeaaonaMe Rates. Famiiy Graham & Fancy Bread Ahcay* on Iīaud. ALL t’OSFECfIOXEBY Manufactured at My Establishment Are Gnaran' , eed to be 'Positively Pare and ! Sold at .’rices no other estahlishment ean eompele with. gtr FACTORY AND STORE, No. TI IIotel Street, Uonoiuln. Both Telephones No. 74. jy26 | I Woven Wire Mattresses i Now, for the first time manufactured right here in Honolulu. By the only man outside of the United Kingdom. who uses WIRE, whieh will not RUST; he having secured exclusive rights to use the same. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY is a backneyed phrase. But if you want to buiid up a Nation, industries must be fostered. Keep your money in your own islands, and buy a Non-Corrosive Soifd Comfoit Spring Bed, made in Honolulu, whieh will n« t SAG or RUST, or. A Perfection Cot, Cbild'g Crib, Verandah Chair, Lounge, Threc-Quarters Singlc and Full »ize, Folding Wire Beds. ARTICLES suitable to your clim3te; PRICES suitable to the times, as you find tbem. For the I3est BED in the Market, I recommend the HARTFORD 1 WEAVE SPRING BED, Treble | Wire all tbrough, WOVEN as fine as cloth. Solid 4 ineh. Maple frames, Malleahle | Castings, Warranted in every particalar. Never yet failed to give satisfaction. . I offer these g«xid8 to the puhlie with confidence. having made ihem for years. You ean now get your very Large KOA BEDS, fitted with a WIRE MATTRESS. Any siae made to order. tJĒt Buy the BED of the FUTDRE, of Messrs. T. H. Davies k Co. Lt’d., Hopp & Co., WiUiams Broe., I. X. L, 6rdway Je Porter, or of tbe Maker W0VEN WIRE BAILEY, Hotel Street, Honolulu, (nexi dcor to Hom’a Steam Bakery.) aug 14-lm CHIN ICEE. HORSESHOEING 8HOP, Maunakea * Pauahi Street, Oid aQ mai. f 1 W 1 f