Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 202, 4 September 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

ARR1VED \ • - ;;‘v V French aod Scotch Qinghams (new) 10c.. 20c. and 2oc. Victoiia Lawna (new), 10 yds for 75c. White Dress Goods (new).. 10c., 15c., 20c. r 2ōc., 3*>c.. ->oc White and Colorad Dimities [new]. 20c. aud 2 >o. Llannelletls. all eolors. (ee»; 10 yds for $1.00 JSTTbe old maxim—“There is nothing new nnder the snn ’ —knoekeil ont Call and be conTinoed. M. S. LEVY, Who is now sett!ed in Beuson, Smith «t Co. s 01d Stand, Fort Street PURIFIED WATER. No Microbes. IS USED BT TUE OONSOLJD.\TED SODA WATER WORKS C0MPAXY —Limiieil. tlxe 3r , c\xxxta,ixxs TlxiovLg'i2.o'VLt tlxe Cit3r, EXCEFTING ONE T\Axe as Cx3rstalTie"2“ ITaug7 HOLLISTER & CO. Iraporters. Waoles;ilo and Ilol.iil Doalers.in Cigraxs, Sxxxolriiig* To"baooo, A..M) Sm.olxex3 -^-xtioles. Agents for the Celebrated Gr. B. T>. PIPES, MADE IN PAHI' »njf7 Benson, Smith & Co., The Corner »■ DRUG ST0RE Pure Drugs, Pine Perfumes, Prompt A.ttention, Low Prices Comer Fort A Hotel Sts. aul Capt. Wm. Davies, Rigger, Stevedore anel Wrecker. ESCmi\TES AND CONTRACTS ON ALL KIND8 OF W0RK. Steamer AN'aimanalo will run re- | gular to Waianae, Waialua and Way Landing. lnqnire »t offioe of J. S. Walkek axcr Spreckei’s B*nk. feb 1 4— Empire Saloon, JAMES 0LD3, Propbietor: i . , pine Wiiies, Liquors. Beei ALWAS ON HAND, Corner Nnaann and Holel Streets. BeQ Telepbon« 241. Post Office Boz 107 F0R SALE RENT. 1« Yel (o i»e l-'ouiiil <ln tiie Olii \itaml, \o. 1 I King Ht.~ili<i niiHinewM CARRIAGE AND lTp 1 i'Tj l)P| .1. i L I .11 I UUUl Goes On. 1 Piano, 1 0rgan and S3wing Maehine inquire of 9. F. 8l KC;f>V Beretania Street. VUTI RHED1E8. WILL CFU Coo»cjnptkra. RhetuaaUsm, i CAt*rra. Cn>up, mll jfctn 'liwaie». F«as*le eom- > pi«lnt«, «ad H.« iu sbe wom fons. : Hope» «re eotertalned :hxt U wUl care lnnay. TV-y *re V«f«UWe ■rae4lr* anj om bc »1 by the m<»t ddīaue bih1 ihe yooc;ec( Mee» witfcia tfce reeefa ol «U. SoU hy 9r*. C. O. IH Kla« •«rec(, W»j Block, onder H«rmooT Hall, H :uol ulu. \Yhen the “PE0PLES’ PARTY ’ geta suiashcd he will be ready to EEPilH, PA!NT AHD TB1H IT At a Reasonable Figuro.— No Extra Charge for Furnishing them with Comiaon Son.se. LET THEM RING UP (MUTUAL TELEPHONE 572. ril 6m New Japan Market^ S67 iiaunakea Street. Freah Meat oo le* 4 Poond 25Cts, Svgcki, Manaser. MACH1NE MADE f factory. KALIHI. Taro Planis, Freah To|s aml it*tw Taro at *1I times. King Up Mutaal 3 ‘ “ Bell 345. W- 1- WlhCO\, jy25 - A