Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 202, 4 September 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

GONSALVES |( A2»»t« oa n«ati a Sapply of tk V«j Best PioBeer Soap lo of Mi. 4i 30. »oJ 70 B»r» f*ch; TU1S 60AP 13 TIIK Fisest īaportsd Esre 3PEClAL PRICES FOR 5 CA3E3 IX LOTS. \ m UM i' nrs| Celebrated Brands of SC0TGH WH1SKEY Samtly: BEN ALDOCHLAN. Ainsleys 0LD Blended «Glenlivet GLE ,N 10X Extra, Spccial 6LENLI0N SPECIAL LIQUEUR SC0TCH WHISKEY. i rs h\ GEKTZ, BOOT axd SHOEMAKER ! Kepainni; Xeatly Dono. OppoaiU; the Clnb Stablcs, Fort Strcct, aml wiil bc glad lo see Uis old fricnds. m>7 tf wa jstkjd: ULRXlTURE. DI3llE3, 0LA3SWARE. 1 eioeka, Witcbes, Jewclry, Dld Gold and SUvcr, and even tblug bouglit and »old at 114 Kiug 3treet. coruer of Alakea. Jv-T P. O. Bos 909. 405 N’uuanu SU # S. YASUM0RI. MERCHANT TAII. Dealer in Japanese Goods, Uuots and Shoes of Japanese «uuke; Cheap for Cash, New Goods by Every Steamer. jy 23 LEE SUNG KEE, 49 K1XG STREET. TIXSiUTH ( and DEALEK IX OLAS8ware, Crockery, Goal-Oīl StoveM, Water Pots—Plnmbing iu AU lte Dnuxchcs FaithfuUy Execnted. jyl*Hv Y. LUM SISO, Dealer in Frnits and Groceries. Fresh Fraits by Eveiy California Steamer, Ercsh Island Bntter from Hawaii. 13-3 Fort Street. Cotfee Roasted P O. Box 169. Fresh Island Prodnce, Goods Delivered to Any Part of tbe City, jy21 HIHG VI F.> HEE, TISSM1TH axd DEALER IX ĪINWAKE. Piping Laid and Repaired. Aii Orders Promptly Attended to. Charges Vtry Moderate. C«ll and See Us. No. 222 Maunakea St., llonolulu. jy20 Im Chas. T. (hliek NOTARY PUBLIC For the Island of Oahn. Agent to Take Acknowledgments to Labor Contracts. Agent to Grant Marriage Lieenses, Honolnīn, Oahu. Agent for tbe Haw’n Islands of Pnr k Scott , 8 Freigbt and Paroela £xpress. Agent for the Borlington BonteEnl Me Enkei uKkeenl iml Bell Tel. 348; Mni TeL 1»; P. O. Box 415. OFFIOE: No. 38 H£RGHANT Streek Hoaoioln. H. I