Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 202, 4 September 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Citysa Meat Warket Oppo. Qneen Emma H»ll. EstablUb«d 1383. JOS. TINKER, Maher of (he CekbraUd Cambridge Pork Sausage ! Tby Them. Meat Delivereil to Any Part of the City and Snbnrbs. Mutoal Telephone Number 239. Y0K0HAMA — (X'rner of — HOIEL & NUUANl' Sts. Silk and Crepes, Embroidereii Hadkerchiefs, Window Curtaina, Straw Hata, Fans, Lanlem?, Basket9. all aorts; Dishes, Tea and Breakfast Sets, Traj*s, FIo\»er PoU, Silk Bedquilts, Bamboo Screens, Neck-t5e3, 9ilk and Crepe Shirts, Japaaese Toys, Japanese Provisions by thc wholesale. jy2S MURATA A C0. City - Carriage Co. Blacksmith Shop 107 KINO STHEET D. I[. BEplT, Blacksmith Work A.ND Carriage Repalring ’ PAINTING :AND : TR1MMINU In all ita Branohes, at Bed ltock Price«. Mulual Telephone 382 §0" Give us a Call and judge for yourself. j>'23 ' ADiraH8TBATI05’8 >; S0TICS • T1IE L'XDER3IGNED havi:u; bf -. clq;y . appointed Tempor*rr Admini«trat..r of thc EsUte cf Jot>Ki-n Hiam> 1*ele. (k) laL. uf Pauo», Honolulu, Oalia, d«ce»sc*l. Xotice U bereby eivcu to ill cmlltor« <>( tb« (leeeaaeU to preaent tbeir eUim» «Uether vecuml by MortnMce. or olh«rwi«e, July • aotbendlcated and «ltb tbe proper voucber», l if any esi*t to lbe under« _'ti. d wUhin *;i montbs frt.m tbe date km w ill be r forerer !jarred; aml ali per*on* inde! 'ed to . ibe «aid decc**«d are re<ine»t to mike immediate p*yment at tbe OUlee of 3. K. K»-me, Corocr of Kim; and Iktbel StrveU. J L'p-»tairs. , a K. KANE. Temporary AdminUtrator of i!k Eit*t>: ol Josebb Ueano Pele. 'kj dcet**< d. UoAolola, Ao>rait 16, 1$M. atsx 16-^1« ADMiNiSTRATION S N0TICE. THE USDERSIGNED bariru; beea dnir appolnted Adminiatratrur of tb« e*tate of 11. K. Kiaiih e k), late of ilaUuU, Kohala, I»lacd of Uawaii. .leeeaeeiL Notke i» bereby glvru to ail cn.-dltur» >f tbe decea«ed to p-e»ent tbeir elalm» «hether i «emred by Mortgatf« or otber«Ue dolj aatbendicat«d and « lth tbe proper roocber», • if any exiat. to tbe aa4enaned v!tfain lii I month» from Ihe date hereofor tfaey «iil be 1 forrrer barred; aod afl per»oo» iudebted to tbe aald deccaaed are re<j'ie»t to make im- ’ mediate payment at tbe Oflke ol 3. K. Kv-n. Coraer of K1bk »nd Betbcl street* Upetaira. MR9 NAOMI KAAIHIE. Admlni»tratrix of tbs £»tate of li. K, Kaaiihe, decea«ed. , Hooolaiu. Angus 14 I 8vr. HoYenI[ee^(k Tinsmiths and Dealera 1 —a—EN— Crockery, GlAssware, $c. t WATER PIPEA LAID and plumbing NEATLY XXSCUXKD Xo »1 N noaua dt, betweeu Kiog uul Hotei Aseu Bailding jy6 SAM TEE HOP, No. 552 Kiog Sfcre«t, Deuler in Cftiifornia and Hawaiian Fruifca and Vegeiables. Gnava JeUy, Tea and Groond Codoe, Cigarsttc, • aTi\