Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 202, 4 September 1894 — HARD UP. [ARTICLE]


Mr. J. A. Kennedy who is the ebairm<tn of some l nion or otbcr anJ «bo is one of tbe xnost faitb - fnl and loyal Americans who bit bis Scotch nail send the following tonching campaign cry to bis faitbfal or rather unfaitbful to Le follovere: Honolulc, H.I.. Sept., 1894. Sir: —Xou bare not yet registered for the approaching Election. It is important that everyfriend of the Government and advocate of Anuexation sbonld qnalify at onee to vote October 29. vhen tbe first Legislature «ill be ehoaen. It is necessary for yon to visit tho OId Legialative Hall, in tbc Judiciary Building. The honrs no« are 9 to 11 a.m. and 4 to C p.m. every day. Please attend to this «Uhout delay. Very Ib>8i»ectfally, J. A. Kf..\vf.DY. Chairmrin American Uoion Central Committee.