Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 202, 4 September 1894 — Bush’s Mystery, [ARTICLE]

Bush’s Mystery,

Tho roysteri<»n« messago whieh Mr. Buah elaimn wa« bronght to tho Qneeu by thc conimi»*ioucrri aod whieh he for reasons of 4, »Ute’’ cannot puhliah, is well interprotod in tho following par agraph from tho Washington Post, aent to us by the ex-col-lengne of tho ex-arobassador of Printers' Lane; Mr. C.C. Moreno: TheIIouso Foreign AffairsCommiltec agrecd yesterday morning to roi>ort the following joint rosolotion congratnIating tho Republic of Hawaii: ResoIved by tho .Scnate and House of Represeutatives of tbe United States of America inOongroas aasembled. That the United States of America congratulatos tbe Repnblic of Hawaii on tbe peaeeful of powors, uutios, and responsibi!ities of such government, as is indicated by tbe recont adoptiou of a repnhliean form of govermcnt. The joint resolution was adopted aa a substituto for that introduced sevcral weeks ago by Mr. fiontello, of Mnine. The snbstitnte waa notadopted by tho committee unauimously. Tue RepubIioans prosent opposed it on the gronnd that it was ineomplole. The Boutelle resoluiion oougratulated tbe '*people of Hawaii on the just and }>eaceful nssumption, Ac., ofsuch arepublie, as is indioated, by tbe recent adoption of a republican form of government.” Wheu Cbairman McCreary roported the substitute yesterday tbo words '*jast and” wore stricken out, as was also the word “peoplo,” for whieh the word ‘republic” was substituted. Mr. Hitt, of Illinois, who istbe leading Ropnblican member of tho committee, argued strongly in favor of tbe original fioutelle reso!ntion, and tried to )earn from tbe Democratic members presont why it sbould be qualined. No explauation waa made by ihe Democratio members of the eommittec as to their reasons for amending it, and when the vote was taken, it was carried, all the Democrats supporting the resolotion aud tbe Repoblicans opposing it. The resolntion eame up in the committee as unfinisbed business, When it waa voted at the former meeting to poetpone the consideration of the BouteIle resolution, tbe Republicans clairoed that that was a movement on the part oi the Democrats to kill it and prevent Coogress from congratuiating ibe Hawaiian people upon tbe «stablisbment 01 their new govemmeat. When ihe eommiiiee met yesterday the Republieans insisted that the onlv busines8 before ihem was tbe fioutel1« resolation, whereafK.>n tbe ehaimian, Mr. McCreacy, brought in the foregoing substitute.