Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 203, 5 September 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]


Tbere lh no taik aboot auoeiAtion days. Wby? The Boani of Healih roet this i a(ternooD. TLe j>rovisiocs of tbe “Act to j Mitig«ite, ' is l>eing greatlv oti lize«l by Jaj anese ftmales. ‘ Great Scott!” is a freqnent ejaculatioo at the Poliee Station noar-a-«lavs. * Tbe Son s of St. Georpe had a rousing meeting at their hall last Mouday evening The band plays at tbe grounds of thc Queen's Hospital this afteruoon frorn 3 to 5 o’eloek. . | The naval station at Pearl Haibor is now to sleep for about two years to eome. “Schwarz-brod” at Love s ba- : kery will tickle tbe palales of the “Arccrtla'’ brass-batton.s. Tho Alexandrine and another German warship aro dne here in a few days. A very weleome rain shower | : passed alongdusty road, formerly , Nunanu avonue this morning. \ The metnbers of the “Hni Hooulu Lahui” met tbis after- j ! uoon at the Maternity Home. - The l’hialle GIub will not eoncertize ou Friday evoning as was intended. Komember the auction s»»le by Levev, at his salesrooms next • # Friduy, of v«Inable furniture. Frederickburg beer is on tap I ewry day. The sport.smau’s as j sociation recommeud this famous ; phe«sant-killing beer. Two names of unpleasant I memory to Hawaiian» were presouted in the Cbina s passenger8. viz: “SteTens” and “Boston.” ■ Acting-Consul Suhr intends to | entertain the German officers during the stay of the Arcona in f port. The P. M. S S. China carried ' forward to the Orient. 7547 letters and 721 papers, the bulk being of Asiatic production. Deputy Postmaster Kenake supplies the information that the i Charleston will leave port here on next Satnrday. — Tho Munnerchor Harmony will meet this evening in the parlors of the Faoific Hotel. Everybody woleome. The "polUieal” boat clnb members met last evening and arranged committees for a coming | ball. The U. S. S. Charleston arrived in port this morning from San Francisco. She will leave ' in a few days for Yokohama. The China carried from here for Yokohama 115 male and - j 27 female Japanese and for Hong Kong 119 male and 9 female : ' Cbiuese a ioial of 268 adult aai- • atics departed. i! W. M Cuniugham adrertises | ! bull-terriers for sale. Pictures J t of the«e favorite dogs are on exJ hibition. Tbey haven't been in ovster-cocktails. Tbe German man-of-war will f. dictate to tbe Hawaiian Kepuhlio not to interfere with th« soft soap 1 man who will sell in the future as heretofore hia 17 bars of soap I for $1 25. Sometimes it is necessary for |. Honolnlo residents to go to Msui and lsnd st Kahnlui. Sam Sing, j a moet gentlemanly Ohineae. haa opened a hotel there whieh will accommodate even a Japanese “ mandarin. 1 I — Tbe Gonuan waiaLip Arcons • i arrived this morning from Calloa ien routa to the Orient. Herstay ' bere will be bot of short dnration i. merety awaiting iha srriTal of ). Iwo other wanhipe, of the aaaae naiion, now Almost due .