Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 203, 5 September 1894 — CORRESPONDENCE. [ARTICLE]


I \V* >V> IMX oar**i*e» rwpoi»*ble Um opaoH or tbr ntteru<«) oi oar Editob HoLOJcrA: Messr*. lv>berts and Deni >on i of tbe Oahu Baiiway are raok ! oligsrcbists of tbe cheapest dye. It ia reported that they aie eom ■ pelling tbe employeee under their ' control to Uke tbe oiigsrcbicaI oatb nnder pain of dism ssal, and j in one instance dismissed an I honest lad nnder age for declining the oalh whieh io aoy cnse he wos not competent to take. This is the plan of coercion and oppressiou whieh the wrctcbed oligarchists are pursaing. whieh _ tends sti!l more to further the i breach helwoeo tbe Hawaiiana j and tbeir known the enemiee usurpers. We reraember in 1892 j Mr. Dillingham used his railwayj power as a meehanie in po!ites in imitation of American methods. and tbe present attitude of the Corporation is a dauger signal : to our futnre legislatois against: ; grautiug further coucessious to a corapany who will nse their outfit as a political maehine. It makes a strong argument in favor i of governinent ownership of rail\vays. Liuerty. The Cbarlestou bnrned eon- | siderable powder this raoraing. after arrival, in salutes to the Hawaiian flag. and varions offi- ' cia!s. The long tightly closed, “Qneen,” is to be ut last opened b>* Waterhouse. The event is advertised for nl>out Oct. lst. < Tho self-made solous will meet iu Conncil tomorrow afternoon. as usual. A t\vo character faree, j Daraon and Morgun assuming the i prlucipal roles,*will probably be i presented. i — Oyster cocktai)s have been very scarce lalely. The Anchor will have a fiesh snpply in the Australia and tbe boys from Bush to—his writer, wili be around. — Mr. Pierre Lucas celebrated his “ wooden” wedding yesterday. A large number of friends enjōyed the hospitality of tbe gonial Frenchraan and made a solemn oath that eaeh and every one of tbem will be ar>und whou ihe next jubiloe takes plaee. Mrs. Caroline Lovejoy, relict of the late J. H. Lovejoy, bas received $5000 as tte amount of ' insurance due on tbe life of th® deoeased by tuo Eqnitable Life ; Insurance C>., of whieh Mr. ; Bruce Cartwright is local agent. McCandless Bros.have sacceeded in striking au excellent flow of water at a depth of 900 feet for the artesian well at the Hospital. The flow raises 50 inohes and the j water is eool aud c!ear. 1 i 'I Mr. L. B. Kerr, the well-known dealer in soitings, advertises his goods at “hard times” prices [ Prospective customers will be ; benefitted and well snited bv i calling on him. A water - front wag. scannin§ , the appeannee of tbe Vater- , land w«r vessel, murmured softly . to a friend that the vessel wai , nndonbtedly named after Noah as ht was the original ori-raiur

Theoffic«rs of the Cbarleston are said to be a “jolly set of seadogs.” Amongst them are aome old acqnaint«nces ria; Lienienants Sims. Sharp and Helmea. Tbe eteerage mess hare hold of a new song whioh will probably proTe popolar, entitled "Swim onl 0’0rady.'* GoL Tom Kroase, the affable and energetic manager of the Arlington Hooae kaa been gradoally appropriatīng adjacent pro* perty nntil now the Arligton groonda ooatain all the Tand betyN| 9otal and King streeta (acing Unioa atreet Pretty and ooay eottagM kam baan ereatad.