Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 203, 5 September 1894 — LADIES’ COLUMN. [ARTICLE]


We «rt> iu>t all sarpriseJ al oar iocreai!e«l trade—it s Ihe gvKn}s and prir«i tbat hare broaght it >11 aln>ut We inre* : adopteJ lbe policy of ->l > i »nd sioall profits— it’s a fir>t rate ■ policy for both the bayer ac«l s«ller. It raeans TRl'E KL'O- ■ SOMY—good things r.ee«l not U‘ bigh pneeil. Tbere is a eertain h.«rd wail «>f facts aml 6gnres however tbat stau«is betweea po«sibili(y aml pnxligal promises. There are certaio prioes helow whieh no g , vxl. honest article oan be bought. Those pric«?s are onr’s. — if you pay less you will certainly get less. This is « plain st«temeut w«‘rll» reraeiulforing W e «lou't kuow what got into the facton - for tbey h.ave sent os euongh LADIKS. SH1RT W AlSTSto supply every Iuoy on these Cslan«ls. We iuust get ri«i of tbera. Come in aml take your : piot. They all c.«nie ou the last ; steatuer an«i «re new dosigns aml i patterus, You aro payiug more for CURTAINSat the pahlie auction than we are asking. We have NOTTINGHAMS at, $1.50. MAD - RAS. EULAKION'. RAW S1LK. ORIENTAL. ANTIQUES ETC.. ETC.. —we intend that lhey ahall be sold, so now i» a go<xl timo to buy theiu. The same advice will staud go<xl thruugh everv «Iepartmeut of our housc. When yon eall, taho a look at ourTOWELS and TOWELLlNO CA’KTONN'ES andFURNITUKE COVERIN’GS. AUo onr C0MFORTERS at $1. B. F. EHLERS & C0.