Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 203, 5 September 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

The White House! 118 Nuuanu Avenue, HONOLULU.-HAWAIIAN ISLANDS \ [)oage IN EVERY RESPECT. Rooms km $1-50 to $3.00 per Weet or 50c. per DayPAUL LEMKE, PROPRIATOR Bell TeIephoue 132. aug 22 POUND MASTER’S XOTICE. N'oUee u hertV>y given to all peraons that there are at th« <joTemtuent Ponmi at Makiki, six »traye<l borae». I retl lione. whiU' »pot on the forehe»U. hnmleil J K N on the teft blod lejf. poorly conditK>u. 1 wbite hor»e, hnuuleU A C on Ute Uft bind lep poorly condition. 1 hlaek hor»ē. brandctl Ton tb« Ult hiu.l 1 red horse, whiio epot uu tbe haek. brandedJ Kon tbe ngbt b!nd lei; l wbite borae, t.ran.l inUUenhaMe on tr«riabl bind U£. |>oorly cuudition. 1 f;reT hono. whlle »pot on the forehe*tL tbrev «hite feet. brand indi»crihablv oo the 'lefl hinU leg. Any persōn or peeeone owinif the«<’ borv . are rv«|ueefcd to rom<- aml tak>- th eam. or before o’eknk noon 8ATCRI>AY, 8EPTEMBER 8, ] 3AMEH.KUKONA, Ponml Mastvr. Makiki, Ang. 27. ISd4. aag 27-lwdly NOTICE TO Visitors, Pienie Parties, Lnaiis —AND—OENEKAL PUBLIC t At SmrHs Bcs a.nd Liverv Stable, Kixo Street. [Aājoining Metropolitan Meat Market.] I* »ho Cbe«pv»t Plaee in Town yoa ean «t Bo.»ses, Wagone«s, Baggies »nd 8*dd’o Ho»es. It will p«y yo« to emll aml «ee heloie you try eUewhcre. S&T Mulual TeIepbone 408 aogl-tf 290 Ring Up 290 United Carriage Company, M.REIS i J.C. QUINN POUND MASTER S N'OTICE. u hereby gtTen fc> all persons ihat are at tbe Goraran»«nt Poand at Ma- ■*“». * w o M»yod bull», 1 hlaek bnH 5 hind Ug. J pineo bnU bnnd imhaenhahie on kg, Any penon or penona owjng ' th«ne bolLt m» raqne«ted to oome and uke tb« same on or before 12 o’oioek noen, 8ATUIU)AY, SEPi. 13, 18W. JAM£S KUKOKA, Ponad Jfnrr Mhkiki, Ang. 30, {891. ang 30-Jse<Jty