Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 204, 6 September 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

MACFAKLANE A CO Ikalen in Wine* and SpiriU Kaahanuna Street, Hoeolahi. H. E. MelNIIKE <t BRO.. Grocep.t, Feed Store <t Bakert, Corner ot King an<l Fort St4., Honolnln J. PHILL1P8, PRACTICAL PLUMKEH, OAS.PTTTBB X)PPEB-SMITH, Honse and Ship Job Work Prornptly Executed. | No. 71 King Street. Honoluli Dk Meī.ENNAN, Fort Street, »bovc Hot**!. Miiiual Te!ephnne 6H2. fur cfflce; 287 lbr residence. jy28 ED. C- ROWE. Hon*e Sifjn and Oinamenlal Painter. M-tnuf:idure of Liquid S!atmg. (}2il Kiug Streel. augl LEWI8 J. LEVEY, Keal Estate and General Auctioneer. OomcrjFurt anc\ <juecn htr«ew. Honolulu Personal attenti->n given to Sales of Farniture, lleal Estate. Stock and Generr I Merchandise. VIh(u&1 T<*tenhone 238 “FAT BOY.” mmm'M saloon i P. McINEBST, PnopaiKK)*, Fine Liquors, Wines and Beer. Co*.ner BrrHFX and Hotfj. ktrs. Honolulu Carriage Manufactory 81» \V. W. WRIG1IT, Paopaiiīoa, (Succes»or to 0. We*t). pAKKIAOE BlTLDrVG a»d KEPAIHINO. v/ AU Order» from the Other I»land» in Uie CarriaRe Building, Trlmmiug and Painting Liae »111 Meet with Prompt Attcntlon. Hlaek»mitblng in AIl It» Varione Brancbe« Done. P. O. Boj 321 No». 128 and 130 Fort8twt. jyI9 Ij W. S. LUCE Wiue and Snirit Merchant Campbell Firt-proof Block, MERCHANTST. HONOLULU. Anchor-:-Saloon Ex “AUSTRALIA, ” Another Invoice of the World Kenowned FREŪERICKSBURG UGER BEER On draaght and by tbe keg. Also, as a Speoialty, Small Fresh California 0YSTERS, FOH COCKTAILS mayl 3me CITY CARRIAGE C0. Corner KING »nd BKTHEL St. CAERIAGES, AT ALL HOUE8. Both Teiephones No. 113. J. 8. ANDRADE, Manager. june HOTl€£. *LL poaoaa an waraed aot to pmail thair aniotak io wmwm oe th» laaia o( Kanewai utd Kaeaoilmi. b*iongiBg the anik-rmgn*d n» plaaieia. AU Maaaala (oaod oa «tr»yiog oa Uie noe knd» vtQ be itnpoaaded or *hoC LENTaI wai sing kee. Hoooialn, Ang 20, J»t. cor 2P1jadlr